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Cales POV:

Today Gabe and I had to do this trash talking with Pepsi ad thing I don't know. So during practice we were pulled to film. While we were filing we kept messing up it was quite funny to me.

"You know maybe you should join a-" Gabe said but he kinda just stopped and blanked out.

"Good one Cale yeah" I said and chuckled, "You got me!" I exclaimed and laughed, Gabe smiled and looked at the producers.

"What is it?" Gabe asked them and we proceeded to the next take. "You know what maybe you should join a shuffle board-" He said but stopped yet again.

"Thats worse man" I said and shook my head, "That's way worse" I smiled and Gabe just laughed. "Should we go hopscotch?" Gabe asked the producers and they said yes.

"You know maybe you should just play hopscotch" he said.

"That'd be pretty sick actually!" I exclaimed and looked at him.

"You think so?" he asked "I think so" I replied, we both just laughed.

"Your face looks like a baby." he said as I looked to the side trying to force back my smile. "Wait! where's your pacifier?" He exclaimed and I looked at him.

Gabe looked around "Pacifier? Anybody?" he asked, "That felt personal" I said and everyone just laughed.

Jordyns POV:

Today was the last practice of the season so couch just let us goof off and have fun.

"Soooo Jordyyyy" Nubs said.

"Whatttt??" I asked her, "Whats it like dating a professional hockey player??" she said.

"Well let me sum it up for you during the playoffs practice, game day, practice, game day and it just repeats itself" I shrugged, "I mean they do have off days but still" I said.

After Practice the team and I were gonna go get food, we all split in to groups of five and went In different cars. We went to a cute little restaurant somewhere in Denver. We all were having a good time you laughing, smiling, talking etc. It was fun until I got an unexpected call from my dad, don't get me wrong I love my parents it was just surprising. "Excuse me" I said then got up, I walked outside and answered the phone. My dad told me some shocking news. I walked back into the restaurant.

"Hey girls I have to go, my family needs me back in New Mexico" I said, "Oh well I can take you home if you'd like" Madi said. "Nah its ok I can walk! I will see you guys when I get back" I exclaimed and walked back to my house. I ran straight to my room but back tracked "Uhm bestie? why are you?" I asked.

"Shhhhh don't question the art of Nicki Minaj the QUEEN of rap" he replied listening to Super Bass. I shook my head and walked to my room then started packing. "Knock knock" Megan said, "Hey Megan" I exclaimed.

"Where you going?" she asked.

 "Back home for a little while" I said. 

"Please let me go with you! If I'm left alone in this house with whatever is death dropping in the living room im going to explode!" she exclaimed. 

I chuckled "Sure it will be a fun little road trip-" I tried saying but Jayden ran into the room.

"Road trip!?!?! can I come?" he asked.

"Fuck it! sure" I replied, he got all excited and immediately started packing. I heard a knock at the door so I went to open it. Cale was standing there with wet hair I'm assuming he just showered.

"Hey! How was practice?" I asked as I quickly kissed his lips.

"3 words Good, tiring, and hilarious" he replied.

"Why hilarious?" I said and we both walked into the house closing the door behind him.

"well you know how Gabe and I had to do that trash talk thing with Pepsi? he asked and I nodded, "Well that was today" he exclaimed.

"Ohhhh fun" I said.

We both walked into the living room to find Jayden dancing yet again, "No wonder this bitch has muscles-" I said. "Im all packed bestie!" he exclaimed and I nodded. Cale and I sat on the couch and just started talking.

"Honey I have to go back home for a couple of weeks" I said.

"Why?" he asked.

"My moms in the hospital..." I replied.

"Oh my god is she gonna be ok?" he asked.

I shrugged and without hesitation he pulled me into his arms. You know when you're on the verge of crying and someone asks if you're ok or just hugs you and you just loose it? Yeah that's what happened to me. While my head was nuzzled up in his neck he held the back of my head with one hand and rubbed my back with his other. 

"Shh its ok my love..its ok" he said. I could tell he was tearing up I didn't need to see his face to know so. We sat like that for a good 20 minutes, he kept reassuring me that everything will be ok but I couldn't stop crying. Soon enough Jayden finally took his AirPods out and noticed was was going on, "Clearly you're not doing anything to help this poor women" he said and pushed Cale away from me. Cale was very offended and put his hand over his chest as mine and Jaydens old music teacher called it was the "Grabbing the pearls in a dramatic fashion".

"Bestie look at me" He exclaimed but I didn't look at him. He grabbed my face and made me look at him, "Listen here you little whore you're going to look at me and like it!" he exclaimed.

"Do you remember in 8th grade when I was Chucky for halloween and I was throwing it back but my weave fell off?" He asked. I knew what he was doing whenever I was sad he reminded me of old memories to cheer me up. 

"Or how about the time I was dancing in heels and nearly died?" he said again, this time I smiled a little bit.

"You've got to remember the time I put on my moms heels and strutted my stuff waving keys in the air" He exclaimed, I laughed a little bit remembering all the times he reminded me about. "Here ya go Cale Maquads all fixed!" he said and went back to dancing.

For the rest of the day I spent it with Cale, I finished packing. We even ran to the store to get a couple of things. We ate dinner and watched movies, Megan and Jayden made popcorn and threw it at us saying we were gross for being under the same blanket. We watched all the conjuring movies among other scary movies before I decided it was bedtime. Cale and I went back to my room and fell asleep. The next morning Cale had early morning practice so he left a little earlier than usual.

"I will see you in a week" he said.

"Two weeks" I corrected him.

He rolled his eyes "Yeah Yeah" he exclaimed and I chuckled. I gently kissed him but he pulled me by the waist and deepened the kiss. "EWWWWWW" we heard from behind us along with Jayden gagging. 

I pulled away and looked at Jayden then shook my head, "alright go! you're gonna be late!" I said trying to shoo Cale out the door. 

"Ok fine but one more" he said and kissed me again, "Hey! we don't need no children up in this bitch ok? Jayden exclaimed. Cale pulled away and looked at Jayden with a concerned look. 

"Okkkkkkk!?!" Jayden said again, "Ok ok!" Cale and I both agreed then Cale left. Not long after Cale left Megan, Jayden, and I were in the car going back to New Mexico.






Helloooooo! Y'all we need to win one more came to win the cup!! Avs in 5! Alright anyways hope you enjoyed this chapterrrr byeee!♡

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