chapter 44

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Y/n pov

I heard a loud thud from outside.
I sighed in relief when he pull back the gun.
He sighed in frustration.
He look pissed and annoyed.

Mr Kim: who the fuck is this?
Then he got a call from someone.
He picked up the call.

Mr Kim: what is it?
He said with a pissed tone.

Mr Kim: okay i am coming.
He said and cut the call.

Mr Kim: well look like you got some extra time. I will Just come back after some time to complete this.
He said and slapped me once again and left from there.

Tears start forming in my eyes.
How can I misunderstand taehyung.
He always loved me and me.
What i did?
Things would have different if i had listen to him.
I wanted to cry so much rn but i don't want to This not the time to cry.
I should try to release myself.

Author's pov

Mr Kim left the room because he got a call saying that taehyung barged inside the house and start beating the bodyguards.
Yes y/n is locked inside the basement of mr Kim's house but she didn't know.

Mr Kim went directly to taehyung.
He see taehyung hovering over a bodyguard and punching him mercilessly.

Mr Kim: taehyung what the hell are you doing?
Taehyung stopped punching and got up from him.
He walked toward Mr Kim.

Tae: what the i am doing? You tell what the hell you had done?

Mr Kim: what are you talking about.

Tae: don't try? I know everything just tell me where is

Mr Kim: how would I know where is y/n?

Tae: shut the fuck up!!
He shouted.
Mr Kim almost flinched at his son outbrust.

Mr Kim: taehyung do you realise whom you are talking to?

Tae: i absolutely know whom i am talking to.

Mr Kim: and why would I know where is y/n.

Tae: i know you kidnapped her. I swear if something happen to her or even a single scratch i will fucking kill you Mr Kim.
Mr Kim was shocked at his son words.
He never thought in his dreams that taehyung will ever say that to him.

Mr Kim: what the hell are you talking? Did you forgot that i am the one who raised you.

Tae: no i didn't. You never treated me as your son you always treated me just as a your slave who always obey you.
Mr Kim was not able to utter any words.

Tae: look you don't have any words to defend yourself. And you better tell me where is my y/n or i will do something worst.

Mr Kim: what if i didn't?

Tae: i swear i will fucking kill you.

Mr Kim: i don't care do whatever you want but i am not going to tell you. But she is not here.

Tae: i will do whatever i want and remember that when i will find y/n you are dead.
He said and left the house in anger.
He was very angry.
His temper is no joke.
He will not even hesitate to kill someone for y/n.
He love her like crazy.

Mr Kim sighed he now know that his son is not going to listen him.
His hatred for y/n now increased more.
He wanted to kill y/n on the spot.
So he made his way to basement with raze on his eyes.

Bodyguard opened the door for him.
He entered inside and see y/n struggling to free herself.

Mr Kim: stop struggling its useless.
Y/n stopped moving and look at Mr Kim with terror in her eyes.
Mr Kim smirked looking at her.

Mr Kim: you know y/n you just made my son hate me.
Taehyung is fighting me just for you. You are the behind all this.

Y/n: i never did anything you are the one who deserve it.
You don't deserve to be called father.

Mr Kim: shut up.
He said and slapped y/n.
Y/n face was all red and a bruise near at a corner of her lips.

Mr Kim: don't you think you are talking to much. I think i need to shut your mouth.

Y/n: no you are not!!

Mr Kim: i will my dear daughter in law.
He again took out his gun and pointed at y/n. any last wish even if you have i am not going to fulfill that.

Y/n: i thought you were a kind man and really see me as his daughter but i was wrong you are just a disgrace.
She yelled.

Mr Kim: well i am. Now enough say goodbye to this world.
Y/n closed her eyes ready to get shot but instead she heard the sound of breaking of door.
She opened her eyes and see a furious taehyung standing there.
She see some bodyguard lying on the floor like dead people.

Taehyung didnt go anywhere.
He was just waiting for right time.
He knew that his father will do something like that.
So he just waited for his father to come to you.
He followed his father and beat all the bodyguards.

Tae: stop it!!
He yelled .

Y/n: taehyung.
Taehyung look at y/n and see her red cheek and bruise.
His blood boiled he was ready to kill anyone.

Mr Kim: taehyung what are you doing here?

Tae: is that even a question to take my wife with me.
Y/n felt relieved seeing taehyung.

Mr Kim: and do you think i will let you go just like this.
Then mr Kim shouted some one name and in a blink of eyes the room was filled with 10 mens.

Y/n get scared.
Y/n: taehyung.

Tae: don't worry y/n i will save you.
He gave her a assuring smiled.
Y/n believed taehyung but she was scared for him.

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