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His nick names for you: bitch, babe,, Baka mine, anything that's like showing your his.
Contact: ❤️ hot piece of ass❤️
(at first it was not an extra from when you were friends but you forced him to change it and that is what he decided on)

You: babe, bakubitch, kat, bakuhoe, love, babe,blasty.
Contact: <angry Pomeranian3

Him for you: love , honey, darling your first name he likes it because not many people call you by it.
Contact: my world 💖🌎

You: Zuku, love, honey
Contact: 💚 cinnamon roll 💚


Him: he normally just calls you by your first name because he thinks your name is beautiful but on the occasion he will say love, or beautiful.
Contact: name <3
He only does the three heart because you taught him.

You: sho, love, darling
Contact: my other half 😉
He didn't get it

Him: my pebble, beautiful, love, babe
Contact: ❤️‍🔥my weakness❤️‍🔥 (denki changed it on kirishimas new phone and kirishima hasn't quite found out how to change it yet. It was because before you were dating he'd always moan to the others about how your his biggest weakness.)

You: my boulder, handsome, love ,baby
Contact: manliest man 👨
He doesn't like it but that's why you keep it

Him: spark, cutie , beautiful, babe, sonic
Contact: 10!!!!! 😩🤚
You told him to make it more sentimental his response was " there's nothing more sentimental than the truth"

You; sparky, pikachu, love, babe
Contact: ⚡️spark plug 🔌
He actually really likes it

Him: hermosa/hermoso, beautiful, mi amore, mi Vida, bonita you love it soooo much when he talks to you in Spanish.
Contact: my name 🥰

You: love, hanta, you called him guapo once and he loved it so much so you only say it sometimes to get the best reactions
Contact: Spider-Man 🕷

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