What theyre like watching horror films

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Isn't bothered and is always kinda bored he only watches them so you grab onto him and get closer. And when your always scared afterwards it gives him an excuse to get hugged.

Hates them. With his whole being. But whenever you want to watch them he will and he will try and act brave so your not scared. But it ends up with you enjoying the movie and him under a blanket.

He literally doesn't get the point or storyline in them. He always is shouting at the screen cause of how dumb they are and ruins the whole atmosphere. Or he's asking questions the whole time.

He really likes them because he says it tests his "manliness". You just end up burying your face in him and he calls it a success. Also he loves that you feel safe with him for it.

He loves to act like he's fine but he's freaking out. King of having a bowl of popcorn and throwing it when he gets jump scared. Blames it on a twitch.

I feel like he doesn't care either he really enjoys them and doesn't get scared by them. He kinda doesn't understand how your scared of it and like kinda ignores your efforts to be saved by him. Not purposely he just doesn't catch on. When he finally does realise he's pretty good with you.

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