
410 21 2

(Anna<3 Kristoff: logged on)

(Kristoff Ice King: logged on)

(Elsa Ice Queen: logged on)

Anna... "Hey hey guys!"
Kristoff..."Hello baby girl :)"
Elsa..."Hiya sis, how was college guys?"
Anna..."Really good, I finished up my exams today!"
Kristoff..."Same:) I helped Anna a little ;)"

Anna..."Yeah he did:) so Elsa how's Arendelle? I miss it and you soooo much:(
Elsa..."Good me and Sven miss you so much guys!:("
Kristoff..."Sven! Oh my buddy:( I can't wait to get home and share my carrots with him:D"
Anna..."After that are we gonna have a little 'Kristoff and Anna time?;)'
(Elsa Ice Queen has logged off)
Kristoff..."Oh okay then:,)"
Anna..."Hurry and get home I miss you:( xx"
Kristoff..."Still on the bus home baby girl, won't be long:* xx"
Anna..."Okay see you soon, I love you:* oh and pizza or Chinese for dinner?xx"
Anna..."Wish granted;)xx"

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