8) "you come first"

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(enjoy these edits bc im on my knees-)

Word count- 1137

Genre- a little angst at first, fluff 


You walked out of class with your books in your hand as you made your way to your locker, only to see your boyfriend, Eddie Munson, waiting there. You couldn't help but smile to yourself as you reached your locker, "Hey sweetheart" he greeted as you opened your locker.

"Hey, I was thinking maybe for tonight we could go to Family Video around seven to pick a movie out" you suggested while putting your books away. "Tonight?" Eddie's voice was laced with confusion. You nodded, "Yeah, tonight. Remember?". You looked at him to see that he was trying to remember, "We planned to have a date night because you've been busy with your campaign" you reminded him.

"Shit" he muttered, "I can't tonight, I'm still campaign planning for Hellfire" and he watched as your smile fell, "What?". Eddie sighed, "I'm sorry, sweetheart. It slipped my mind, I'm really sorry" he apologized.

You shut your locker and snorted, "I don't even know why I'm surprised" and started to walk away. "Woah, woah, woah, hold on" Eddie butted in frantically as he gently grabbed your wrist. You turned back around to face him, "What is that supposed to mean?".

"It means that the past few weeks, you've been blowing me off for Hellfire" you stated and he let go of your wrist, "Not on purpose, you know that. I would never purposely blow you off".

"I'm sorry" Eddie apologized again and you scoffed, "You know how much this campaign means to me. I've been talking about it for weeks" he defended himself.

"I never said your campaign wasn't important" you argued. "Then what exactly are you saying?" Eddie asked. "I'm saying that I wish you could make time for me" you pointed out. "I do make time for you" he countered, "I want to tonight but I already told the guys that we would meet so they can help".

"I can't just tell them that we're no longer meeting. I told them since last week" Eddie objected. "Have fun planning your campaign" you simply stated before walking away. Eddie sat at his usual lunch table with his friends and he watched as you walked past him and sat with your friend. "What was that?" Mike queried, "What was what?" Eddie answered with a question. "Why did (Y/N) just walk right past us?" Mike pressed.

Eddie shrugged while Dustin studied his body language, "Holy shit" Dustin commented. "You two had a fight" he pointed out and Eddie huffed, "Ten points to Henderson, now can we drop it".

Meanwhile, you were sitting next to your friend. "What's wrong?" she questioned you, "What do you mean?" you asked as you pushed the food around with your fork. "You completely ignored Eddie" she articulated, "I did not" you disagreed and she gave you a look. "I don't really want to talk about what happened but we had a fight" you confessed. Your last class ended and you headed to your locker, expecting to see Eddie but he wasn't there. You grabbed your things and walked outside to the parking lot and stopped walking when you heard, "(Y/N)".

You turned around to see Steve standing by his car, "Steve?". You walked towards him, "What are you doing here?". Steve smiled, "Picking Robin up, I give her a ride to school and work everyday".

"Right, she did tell me that you were the one giving her a ride" you nodded. "Oh! That movie that you've been trying to rent, we got it back in last night" Steve informed. You chuckled, "Finally!" and then your smile dropped, "Shit".

"What?" Steve asks, "I was going to come tonight to rent a movie" you answered. "You're not stopping by Family Video tonight?" Steve wondered, causing you to shake your head, "No, not tonight. I was going to with Eddie but date night has been cancelled".

Steve gave you a sympathetic smile, "Hey, if you want, I can hold onto it for you". You cocked an eyebrow at him, "You do that?" and Steve nodded, "Yeah, of course. That's what friends are for, well I hope you consider us friends".

You nodded as you laughed, "Yeah, I consider us as friends". You and Steve continued talking when you saw Robin walking towards the two of you, "Alright, I'm going to let you go, I know you two have to go to work".

While the three of you talked, Eddie was finally walking out of the building to grab something from his van when he heard your voice. He looked around and his eyes landed on you talking to Steve Harrington.

"Hey Edd-" Gareth walked over but Eddie held his pointer finger up, stopping him as he watched you laugh at something Steve said. Jealousy started to brew within him and he was internally freaking out as he thought about your argument with him earlier.

Eddie walked over towards the three of you and Steve noticed, "Eddie, hey man" he greeted. Eddie ignored him and wrapped his arm around your waist, "Hey sweetheart, are we still on for tonight?".

"I don't know, I thought you had other plans, remember?" you question him in a sarcastic tone. Robin and Steve looked at each other, "What's going on?" Robin whispered to Steve, who shrugged, "Like hell I would know".

"I'm going to let you guys go, I don't want you to be late for work. I'll see you guys later" you told the two of them before walking away, leaving Eddie standing there as Steve and Robin got in the car and drove off.

"God damnit" Eddie muttered as he chased after you. When he finally caught up to you, he gently grabbed your hand, "Can we talk? Please" he pleaded. You turned around, "Aren't you supposed to be planning?".

"I postponed it" he simply answered, "What?" you question, not believing him. "I postponed it because you were right. Seeing you and Steve talk made me realize that I have been blowing you off for Hellfire and that's not fair to you" Eddie rambled.

"You postponed Hellfire for me?" you whispered and he nodded, "Yeah, I did. You come first, always. I should've cancelled it as soon as you reminded me that we had plans for tonight. I'm so sorry, sweetheart" he apologized.

You cupped his face and pulled him towards you, planting a loving kiss against his lips before pulling away. "I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have said what I said. I know you make time for me, I was just upset. I love how excited you get about Hellfire, it makes me happy to see you happy and I love you".

Eddie grinned, "I love you too". He held his arm out, "Shall we start our date night, m'lady?". You giggled, "We shall".

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