A country to rule

139 9 13

Third person's POV:

He glanced at her once again and then averted his gaze :
"I am truly sorry for kissing you. I know I shoudn't have done it. "
". . . then why did you kiss me Jamie?"
"Because. . ."
"I told you to stop playing games with me! 'Because' is not a reason and I honestly thought you can do more than that."
"Because I was happy to see you healthy again and you got mad at me all of a sudden and-"
"So you what? F*cking kissed me to shut me up?!"
"I did not mean to kiss you, ok? It just happened!For how many times do I have to tell you I'm sorry? "
She stood up and moved in front of him:
"You-you told me I was important!You told me I meant for you more than your job , more-"
". . ."
"I was lying. I shouldn't have said all of those things when I didn't  mean them."
". . . You-you're horrible"
He stood up to:
"You don't get to call me things just because-. . ."
"Because what Jamie?Because-"
"Oh just get over yourself Y/n!You've been playing the 'i'm the victim'card since we met. It's time you stop pretending"
"Wha- what could you possibly be talking about?" by this time, tears started falling from her eyes
"*sigh* I  am sorry for your mom's death but that's not my fault. That's not Lotties fault. That is not anyone's fault. And you should stop acting like  it is."
"I never-"
"The fact that you didn't pass you exam?Not my fault. Not anyone else's, but yours. It's your fault Y/n and it's time you realize that."
"How could you possibly.  . . bring my mother into this ? My mother Jamie!"
" My parents are dead Y/n! Dead! But obviouslly you never knew that because you never cared! You still have a father and you are not even grateful for him!"
"He is as good as dead to me. . ."
"But he is alive, and he-"
"He doesn't give a sh*t about me!"
". . ."
"My dad knows me  , and he doesn't care. Don't say he does. I know he doesn't. But he loved my mom . . .apparently. So it wasn't that he wasn't capable of  loving,he just. . . could'nt love me. And-. . . nobody else has either."
". . ."
" I wasn't enough . . .ever. . . for anyone,and I don't know if I'll ever be"
". . ."
"I know your childhood might not have been the best either, Jamie,but you never went through what I have. You might have lost your parents. . . but you were just a baby , you didn't know such things as love. After my mom died, my father left and it was just me and Lottie. All my childhood I didn't know such things as getting to play or watching TV. Because I had to take care of Lottie."
". . ."
"Beacuse I spent all my life taking care of her ! When I felt like I wasn't enough, I became a partizan!Because I never stopped caring! So don't you dare tell me I don't give a sh*t about anyone but myself !"
"I-didn't know, I-"
"No. You didn't know because you don't give a sh*t about anything else than your job. Which is protecting Ellie, and apparently Lottie too? Lottie is my f*cking sister,Jamie. It's my f*cking job . So make yourself and everyone else a favour and leave us the f*ck alone. Please."
"If not for me and Lottie, than for your f*cking job which you love more than you love yourself Jamie.And that,Jamie, it's the actual problem."
". . ."
"Just-*sigh* please , please , stay away from me . . .please. You've hurt me enough already"
"But what about the arrangement the Queen and King made?"
"Do I honestly look like I care?"
". . ."
She looked at him one more time, and made her way out.
Jamie stared at her back until she disappeared from view.

Hr was now standing in front of Sir Nikolay's room. He knocked twice and waited for his answear.
"Mr. Volk?"
"It's . . .done"
"What-oh . . .good. . .wipe away the tears and get yourself together before anyone else sees you, Mr. Volk"
"Yes sir."
". . . Have a nice day"
He nodded in response and left.

~Two days later~
~Y/n's POV~

"She is obviously sleeping, Ellie!"
"No she isn't!Her eyes are half-opened!"
"She is a partizan"
"Your point being?"
"Maybe they sleep with their eyes half-open. . . or maybe they don't sleep at all"
"That's physically impossible "
"A vampire wouldn't agree"
"Oh I'm sorry, do you know any vampires,Lottie?"
"Well-not exactly "
"As I was saying,that's physically impossible. "
"Says who?"
"Says I "
"And who are you?"
"The Maravish princess"
". . ."
"She must be day-dreaming about Jamie"
I took in my surroundings and realized we were flying back to Rosewood ,I must have fallen asleep.
"HA!I told you Lottie! His name works like a charm on her!" Ellie said with a big smirk plastered acroos her face
I tried my best not to look in his direction. But I can't lie and say it wouldn't have been really interesting to see his reaction to that statement.
I rolled my eyes;"I wasn't daydreaming about anyone , Ellie . I zoned out."
"Of CoOoUrse "she replied than winked at me

We arrived an hour later, and headed straight for the reception. The journey was a silent one,given the fact that me and we-all-know-who did not speak at all. Well, we  actually  haven't spoken since that. . . encounter . . .and I don't plan on talking to him anytime soon, and it looks like he has the same idea.
  When we arrived there were dozens if not hundreds of people trying to get to the front of the reception to get their results for the final exams.
Ellie took the lead and we followed her,pushing through the sea of people.
"Excuse me . . .excuse me . . .excuse me . . .OH MY GOD,MOVE!"
Clearly she never heard of the word 'patience'.
People were gapind their eyes at her but made space for us to get through anyway.
Jamie and I were on both sides of Lottie and I could see her face was red even tho her eyes were glued to the floor.
"Your names?"a lady clearly upset about Ellie's behavior asked us
"Jamie Volk,Ellie Wolf,Lottie Wolfson and Y/n-Matthews" Jamie responded

Right. Maybe the next time they decide to change my name they'll ask me first. I knew a b*tch in school whose name was-ok it's maybe time to calm down and get over it. At least is not as weird as Pumpkin . . . I like Wolfson better tho

A/n: Little does she know what awayts in the future *wink* if ykyk

"Hmm I can't seem to find anyone in here with the name Matthews.  . ."
Lottie looke at me with big eyes and I returned the gesture.
"Oh!Here it is, sorry! Looks like your page was just updated last week and the results came this morning. . .-here you go" she handed us four envelopes with our names on them
"Thank you" I replied and guided the others out of there

"Should we open them now?" Ellie asked while we were making our way to the private jet that was waiting for us
"Let's wait until we're home" Jamie responded
"I sadly have to agree with him , Ellie"
"*gasp* I can't believe you betrayed me Y/n!"
"Oh don't worry, you'll get over it"

Later that night:

I've been in bed for no more than 5 minutes trying to fall asleep, when I heard a knock on my door.
Groaning I made my way to the door and opened it. Lottie rushed into my room and locked the door behind her.
"Lottie, what do you think you-. .OH, Lots! What happened?"
Her eyes were red and her shirt was soaked with tears
"I failed" she whispered
"Failed. . .what?"
"The exams. . .all of them"

A/n: I don't know how to feel abt this chapter but hope you enjoyed it :))
I'm terribly sorry for taking so long for this one, but if I'm being honest, I don't have an excuse this time. I deleted wattpad because I wanted to take a break which was going to last a week and then I totally forgot.
Now abt the book,I know Lotties (and y/n's) backstory is a little more different than that,but this being a fanfic I decited to change the background for a more dramatic outcome :))
Anyways, thank you all for reading, and please remind me once in a while to update because I truly forget sometimes
Have a nice day/night!
Xoxo ,

~She is my sun, my moon, and all of my stars~Jamie Volk x Fem!Reader fanfic Where stories live. Discover now