Thunder storm (bakugou)

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hello, lyrictree here i figured i would make a oneshot about someone that isn't izuku so why not mr katsuki bakugou and fun fact for some unknown reason i used to think that it was said as  cat-su-ki idk why i just did and i find it funny.


3rd person pov:

 it was night time in the highest alliance dorms rain smothed the outside heat along with some clashes of thunder every now and then, it is around midnight and almost everyone is fast asleep but one by the name of katsuki bakugou was still awake. not that he would ever tell anyone but he didn't like thunder it was too unpredictable and loud  not that he was scared of loud things that is but the crash and boom of the thunder made him jump everytime so he sat that whimpering as quitely as he could because if anyone else knew, he would be the laughing stock of the school.  but in another room of the same building another boy was also awake but not because of the storm but because of the worry he has for his friend this boy being izuku midoriya, having known bakugou or as he calls him "kachan" since they were born he know that the other doesn't like thunder but due to it being late he didn't want to go check and it be nothing after waking him up. Finally after deciding to just go check on him midoriya walks as quietly as he can till he comes to the other boys door when he gets there he heres the soft whimpering of bakugou and slowly opens his boy "hey kachan, are you alright" izuku asks him bakugou looks over at him aft wiping his face and as he was about to say something thunder struck with a loud boom making bakugou yelp. to this midoriya sit on the bed and hugs bakugou rubing circles on the boys back to help calm him down after a few minutes like that the pair fell asleep

Bakugou pov:

i wake up with something grabbing on to me i look over to see that deku is holding me in his arms 'the nerd must of fallen asleep aswell' i think to my self then i think back to what happened last night, i could feel my face get red as i remebered that deku had seen me upset and scared. I tried to wiggle out of his hold but ended up just waking him up when he realised what was going on he let me go. "you feeling better now?" he asked me i looked at him and could see that he was asking me out of worry and not trying to tease me about it so i just nod my head. with that he got up and i guess headed to his room to get dressed. from that point on when every there was a thunder storm he would come and help me calm down from it .

the end 

I'm sorry that it is shorter i just want to write something. also it is my headconnon that bakugou is more soft then what most people think just because of all the things he has been through he can be scared from time to time.

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