Chapter 13: Loki

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Merrick: Icarus Actual, ground mission successful. They're blind down here. Start your attack.

Icarus Actual: Roger. Second stage separated. Vectoring to target.

NASA Command: Icarus Actual, this is Command. You should have visual on the station.

Icarus Actual: It's big. Command, there's a whole ring of Neon-Federation satellites and they're all powering up.

Merrick: Actual, this is Merrick. We won't last long down here. Get in there and get it done.

Icarus Actual: Roger. Going in.

(At Space Station Loki)

Merrick: Heavy Federation reinforcements are in pursuit of ground forces. Sitrep!

2nd Lt. Collins: Merrick, be advised. We've made it to the station.

Merrick: Make it fast, Actual. We're taking heavy ordnance down here.

(Thompson prepares his ARX-160 with a grenade launcher and an ACOG scope. The top of the space shuttle opens. A satellite can be seen launching a kinetic rod.)

2nd Lt. Collins: Let's get control of this station, then we'll start raining some hell of our own. EVAs engaged.

(The astronauts exit the space shuttle. They engage enemy astronauts.)

Z. Zero-One: Contact! Get to cover! Tangos, 12 high!

(A fuel line starts to ignite due to stray bullets.)

Femme: Watch out for the fuel line! It's starting to ignite!

(More enemy astronauts come out of the hatch in front of them.)

Leon: We've got more tangos coming from the central hatch!

(Once they kill all the enemy astronauts, they head for the hatch. Suddenly the fuel line explodes, sending them flying through the station.)

Chris: Back! Back!

(They crash into a wall. An alarm blares in Thompson's visor but shortly goes out.)

Jill: Thompson, we can't stop now! Let's move!

Thompson: Roger.

(They move forward and engage more enemies.)

Merrick: Icarus, be advised. We've lost the carrier fleet. Give me a sitrep!

Sabre: We're near the control room. We're taking the direct approach, now. We'll have to breach the exterior wall.

(They move towards the control room of the station while engaging enemies. They clear the area.)

Faucon: All clear! Move up!

Thompson: Okay.

Merrick: Our forces have fallen back to he airfield. They have an entire division moving on top of them! Take that station!

Bobby: Copy. We're breaching now!

(They move to the control room.)

2nd Lt. Collins: Plant your charges.

Thompson: Understood.

(Thompson places a charge on the latch of the control room.)

2nd Lt. Collins: Charges set! Here's hoping these things work up here.

Thompson: Leave it to me.

(Thompson can be seen setting the fire selector on his ARX-160 to semi-automatic. The charge explodes, causing the hatch to open. Several enemies are sucked out into space. They breach and clear the room.)

2nd Lt. Collins: Clear! Take control of the console!

Thompson: Sure.

(Thompson uses the control console.)

Barry: Merrick, be advised. We have control of the station.

Merrick: Copy, Icarus. We're sending you enemy positions. Hit them hard!

Cameron: Wilco. Sat three, four, and eight loaded and ready. Thompson, initiate launch.

Thompson: Alright.

(Thompson presses buttons to launch the rods. The rods can be seen launching.)

Brad: All rods away. Connecting to targeting drone.

(The console can be seen connecting to a drone to provide targets for the rods. The drone files into the target area.)

Spam: Drone is entering designated AO. Oh, man.

Merrick: Icarus, focus fire on the heavy armor battalions.

Tuner: Targeting online. Fire when ready.

Thompson: I'm always ready.

(Several enemy targets can be seen. Thompson directs a rod onto one of the main targets. The rod hits, obliterating all the targets in the area.)

Merrick: Holy shit! They felt that!

Thompson: Surely they did.

(Thompson destroys all the targets.)

Rebecca: Southern reinforcements neutralized.

Merrick: Icarus Actual, Ghosts are on the train moving southwest through your targeting area. Hold your fire. Repeat, friendlies are on the train. Check your fire.

(The train that Kamen Rider Decade and Kamen Rider Diend are on can be seen. Several friendly forces can also be seen.)

Merrick: Icarus, now feeding you local Neon-Federation armor columns. Be careful, they're right on top of our guys.

Thompson: I will be careful.

(Thompson wipes out the enemy targets.)

Merrick: Nice job, Icarus. Heavy armor's been nullified. Ground units are being flanked. Do you have visual?

2nd Lt. Collins: Visual confirmed. Targeting now.

Thompson: Suck it, bitches.

(Thompson eliminates the enemy targets.)

Merrick: Good work, Icarus. Local units can clean up remaining hostile forces. Prepare to target remaining Federation naval vessels; location at... Hold, Icarus. Incoming traffic.

(Thompson stops using the drone.)

Merrick: Icarus Actual, do you still have eyes on the southwest train?

2nd Lt. Collins: Affirmative!

(The train can be seen on the screen.)

Merrick: Delay previous order. Target the train and fire on it.

Sabre: But sir, there are Ghosts on that train.

Merrick: The order comes from the Ghosts. You're confirmed. Repeat, confirmed! Fire on that train.

(Icons of Kamen Rider Decade and Kamen Riders Decade can be seen on the train.)

2nd Lt. Collins: Thompson, fire when ready.

Thompson: Ready to comply.

(Thompson fires a rod at the train. The screen goes black and the chapter ends.)

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