Ch. 25: Burning Alive

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Rebel's POV

"Come in" I yell as a knock comes to my door.

A head with black hair pops in and kind of stands there awkwardly. I finish putting on my sport bra and turn my head to her and she just laughs "What?"

"My bad I came in here to apologize and as I was waiting and you were changing it really clicked in my head what was happening when ace and I walked in that night" She shakes her head and I nod for her to continue "Look Rebel I really am sorry for what I said. I really like Nate, I feel bad that I didn't notice him before he's truly amazing"

"I'm glad Nate finally gets to be happy but I don't know if it will be.. genuine with you" I say tying my shoes.

"I get it I know you won't forgive me so easily especially with all the other things I've done but one day I hope you do" She walks out closing my door behind her and I give out a long sigh, brushing my hair up into a ponytail.

It was currently 10 o'clock at night and Ace and I stayed up til almost 3 in the morning making the perfect plan to get Tony back as long as everyone does there part. We made sure there were absolutely no holes. We traced the phone number back to a warehouse. It is in the literal part of nowhere. It seemed like it was an old factory of some sort. They are honestly so stupid how could they not know how easy it is to trace a call. This is going to be so easy.. Maybe a little too easy.

As I walk out and meet everyone in the garage, I can't help but wonder that something is wrong with our situation. Is this too easy for us? We had decided to meet everyone at my dad's base since it is closer to the warehouse. I hear Ace telling everyone how he will tell them all their parts when we get to everyone else. We were able to come up with a perfect plan, that we knew would have absolutely no holes. We were able to successfully track them down with 1 call and most of it was juts them breathing. There has been no warning signals and the warehouse is in the middle of no where completely trapping them. Something wasn't right.

"Rebel" I stern voice calls out to me "You're being entirely too quiet, what's up"

I walking in with Braxton shrugging "Something just feels off I don't know, maybe I'm just being paranoid about getting this correct"

"Don't worry" He points his gun up that is probably half his size "I got your back"

I smile at him before walking up to Matti and Ralphy hugging them "Hey you guys ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be" Ralphy checks his guns ammo "Are you?"

"Yeah" I kind of single myself from everyone going to a corner thinking. I think I was also nervous to kind of lead everyone. My old family trusts and listens to me before they listen to Ace and my new family listens to both equally. I don't want to let anyone down, I want to be a good leader for them. Wait, do I want to be their leader?

"Hey stranger" Remington smiles at me.

"Hey I never got that text from you"

"Awe were you waiting?" He puts a hand over his heart "I'm honored Rebel"

"You can Monty, everyone does" I shrug at him

"Nah I'm good with Rebel" A tiny smirk comes to his lips.

"Okay.. Remington"

"Monty it is"

I let out a laugh "Thought so. Did that hurt?"

"What when I fell from heaven?" I roll my eyes

"Your tongue piercing.. Did it hurt?" It was a genuine question. I was thinking about getting piercings of my own.

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