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I apologize for any mistakes. :)


"You are kidding."

She took all the inner strength she had and tried to swallow her retort and just do it, accept it and move on. But this was the final nail in the coffin. All that built up fury she had accumulated over the past few weeks came out faster than magma, and just as destructive. To say she was boiling with rage would've been the understatement of the century.

"Yeji, please," Rin, Yeji's mom, looked defeated behind her glasses, shifting uncomfortably on her leather chair as she looked between her daughter and her partner, Hwan, next to her, "You know why we have to do this."

She gritted her teeth in an attempt to remain silent, or at least to keep the destructive words inside. If it wasn't for Hwan, she would've caused one hell of a scene right there and then, not caring about who heard them behind the closed doors.

"It doesn't make any sense," she opted for instead, her patience hanging by a thread.

It really didn't. Her mother had been a Senator for a few months now, and while the public opinion had been nothing but harsh on her, Yeji doubted people even knew she existed. She had never even mentioned her in the press, not even once. The daughter of a random politician didn't usually spark any interest, but Rin seemed to think differently.

"I'm afraid our decision is final," her stare was firm on her, stern, but Yeji knew she was hating the confrontation as much as she was.

" Our ?", she glanced over at Hwan, who instantly looked away.

"Yeji," every word that was leaving her mouth only fuelled the fire that burned inside of her, "Please, you need to understand our position."

"Your mother has been sent death threats even before she was elected," Hwan stepped in finally, "We don't want to risk anything happening to you."

Rin's eyes pierced on her daughter, "There are crazy people in this world, Yeji. I don't want you to find out first-hand."

She wanted to see the logic behind all of it — and she did, in a way. But she just couldn't accept it, and she wouldn't. Not in her last year of university. Not when this was her last chance to be a carefree adult with zero responsibilities, to have fun with her friends, to forget about her uptight and ridiculous life.

Of course her mother had to get so seriously into politics in such a crucial year for her. Perhaps she was being selfish — her mother had worked extremely hard to get where she was, but still. This very last inconvenience hadn't been in her plans at all, and she certainly didn't want it to become a reality.

"So that's why I'm going to have a bodyguard attached to my hip all day every day?"

Rin and Hwan exchanged a knowing look, and she almost stood up and left. They couldn't be serious. Being followed twenty four seven by some scary-looking woman wasn't her idea of an epic last year at university, and she wasn't going to have it.

"No," she concluded, firmly.

Rin swallowed, "This is not up for debate, Yeji."

Fires of fury and hatred smouldered in her cat eyes as she locked them with her mother's. Yeji weighed the pros and cons of simply making a scene, yelling at her and storm out of that stupid office. But before she could make up her mind, Hwan spoke again.

"We are sure you will approve of Miss. Shin."

"Oh, so she has a name already," she resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

THE BODYGUARD | RYEJIWhere stories live. Discover now