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Xie Lian began to visit the heavenly court a lot more now. Everyone in the court was happy as once the Heavenly Emperor came to his palace, at least one god will know of it and will spread this news in the entire realm. The work that he had been avoiding was now being piled up in front of him and Xie Lian had no choice but to do it. 

Oh, how he missed the days when he was a scrap collector. He now knew why everyone from the Ling Wen palace had eye bags all the time. Even though Xie Lian had made it mandatory that every god from the Upper Court will need to help out with the paperwork of their own palace instead of just dumping it on the civil gods, in order to help the civil gods. Xie Lian now understood why dark circle were so common to see nowadays even among martial gods. 

Thus, the years passed in this bittersweet fashion. With the help of the other gods and ghosts, Xie Lian managed to figure out some sword arts and martial arts for Weiwei, along with a cultivation method. Weiwei was a diligent student, who although put on a mischievous front, was actually a caring and thoughtful girl. Bei Weiwei grew from an immature child into a smart teenager. 

Naturally, in this period of ten years, the heavenly officials and ghosts close to Xie Lian and Hua Cheng couldn't resist the temptation of curiosity. They often sneaked into the training ground that Xie Lian had eventually prepared on the outskirts of the town as a private training ground for Weiwei. It was here that Weiwei met most of her uncles and aunts. 

One of them, was marketed by my ex-employer- the God of Fate for thousands of gold taels! And I didn't even get a cent of it! It's good that quit working for him or who knows how much he may have exploited this narrator! Hmph! 

But, on lighter note, why don't I tell you about that incident for free? Because capitalism really sucks!

So, on one fine morning, Weiwei was practicing her martial arts moves under her master's guidance, when he received a message stating the need of his immediate presence in heaven. Xie Lian excused himself for a while and asked Weiwei to continue her training on her own for a while. General Ling Wen kept Dianxia busy in Heaven with a case that had popped out of nowhere. Only insiders knew that the case had come from the thoughts discussed in their private 2 am meeting last night. 

So, while Xie Lian was wracking his brains, Feng Xin and Mu Qing snuck down to the mortal realm. They hid behind some bushes and trees while observing her. 

"Very good, her form isn't bad." Mu Qing observed.

"She seems to be quite a good learner, seeing that Dianxia only started to teach her this martial art a month ago." Feng Xin said. 

"The disciple that Dianxia has found this time is a lot better than his previous one, isn't she?" 

A voice came from behind them. Both turned in surprise, with their weapons out in defensive positions, their backs facing Weiwei, only to see no one standing there. Suddenly, two slender hands grabbed their collars from the back and threw them to the ground. 

"Who is it?!" They screamed. 

Weiwei was also shocked by this, but she saw that her Shiniang was standing just a step away from their heads. 

"Do you not know?" Hua Cheng asked. 

"Crimson Rain! I should have known!" Feng Xin shouted.

"Why did you pull us?!" Mu Qing asked as he got up. 

"You should have known better than to spy on my people." Hua Cheng said with smirk that told the onlooker that this man meant to do nothing but torture you. "If you wanted to see Weiwei, you could have just asked Dianxia, like Shi Qingxuan and He Xuan. They dropped by just yesterday. He Xuan is already keeping his promise of teaching her cooking and Shi Qingxuan drops by anytime he pleases." 

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