Acceptance and a Surprise

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"Filomela, listen!", her father sighs and rubs his temples, "I know you are not happy with getting married of to someone. I also know that you hate how strict I am with you and how I am pressing you about the marriage thing." He stomps up and down in the small kitchen area with his hands clasped behind his back. Filomela could have never guessed that he actually understands her anger towards him, but it still does not explain it or make the pain any less warranted. She looks at the ground and wiggles around her feet, she does not know how to reply to her father. Before she can worry about her reply, her father continues with his explanation: "I am sorry. I really am", at this point tears are streaming down Filomela's face, and she yanks her head up to glare at her father with teary eyes. That does not in any way justify his actions towards her! What is he even thinking! Her father holds up his hands and continues without reacting to her emotions: "I just want you to be taken care of. I just want you to be safe, to have a good future....a good life...", his head falls down, and he lets his hands dangle besides his body "... I promised it...", he takes a step back and holds onto the wall with his right hand, his voice quivers "... Not only that, but I promised your mother to protect you and make sure you are cared for." "But can I not just protect and care for myself! I can be on my own, and you know that!", Filomela retorts, she understands his motives, but it isn't a good enough explanation for his way of treating her. "Do you not understand? It is can't!", her father takes a step towards her and wildly gestures with his hands. "Why not!? I don't understand why not! Please!", her anger flares up again, and she stands up and also takes a step forward.

Her father shakes his head and drops his hands again, "Do you know that they wanted you as oracle?", he whispers. Filomela's eyes widen, and she takes a step back again and bumps the table in that process. "What?", she answered also whispering. The Ephors only take the most beautiful young ladies as their oracles, and it is supposed to be an honour to have their daughter chosen as the oracle, but everyone knows what these old perverts do with the young women. "They wanted you for your beauty...they wanted you...", her father reveals, and his voice keeps getting quieter. "Your mother talked them out of it, but if you refuse to do your duty as a spartan woman...they might still want you", he takes more steps back while he speaks until he hits the wall. "You need to fulfil that duty in order to protect yourself!" With that revelation, he got to her. Now there is no way for her to stop her tears from falling. With the thought about her late mother, her emotions swirl between understanding, anger, love, and affection and a sense of acceptance. She accepts her father's actions as an act of love, as an act of honouring her mother and protecting his family. She still does not appreciate the fact of getting married to a stranger, but she can still understand what her father wishes for her by doing so.

"I am sorry, father. I understand, but I still don't want to marry a stranger you must understand that for sure.", Filomela lowly argues. "You must marry, Filo, and who would be a better choice than a warrior?", he says fondly while he stands before her and cups her cheek in his big hand. Filomela's resistance has now mostly vanished, and she nods at her father lovingly. She must trust her father to make a good choice and choose a good husband for her.

Despite Filomela's hesitant acceptance of her fathers wish to marry her to someone, her thoughts always seem to wander towards Dilios. Is he alright? Is the thought that mostly floats around in her mind. After his and the kings return from the wilderness test, she hasn't heard anything about neither of them. She would love to see him again. She does not have the chance to sneak out though, because after their little talk, her father is even more protective about her and doesn't really leave her out of his sight.

Days turn into weeks, weeks into Months and months into years and nothing changes in her life. The young King was crowned and Sparta grew and flourished under his reign, even though he was hardly any older than Filomela.

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