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"You should be getting ready," Farah told Veera sternly, watching the younger girl as she paced to and fro in front of her tall mirror. "You'll be going soon, won't you?"

"Soon," Veera mumbled. She stopped and peered scrutinizingly at herself in the reflection that she saw, seemingly disgusted at what image was reflected back at her. She bit her lip and ran her thumb over the hem of her dress. "Why?"

"Just asking." Farah stretched on Veera's bed. "To be honest, I still haven't completely wrapped my head around this invitation."

"What's there to wrap around?"

"Uh, gee, I don't know? Maybe that the fucking President asked you out?!" Farah's voice rose octaves higher with every word until her voice cracked at the end. "Does that not seem to be something to be surprised about? And out of everyone that he asked, he asked you?"

"How nice of you." Veera reached behind her back and unzipped the dress. "This doesn't look good. It's too dark - like I'm going to a funeral."

"You've never even been to a funeral." Farah rolled on her back. "And besides, you wear black every night in your moonlit escapades, don't you?"

Veera almost rolled her eyes. "It's not night yet, is it?"

"It will be soon."

"It's 12 pm. There's plenty of time before night comes."

"Speaking of, are you going out tonight?" Farah rolled back on her belly and propped her chin up with her hands in a cup shape. "Void and Spotlight have both been absent for a really long time. Only Infinite's been in the picture."

"Do you think I haven't noticed that prick?" Veera gestured to the mute TV that scrolled from picture to picture in front of both of them. The channel played a video taken from someone's phone about the most recent attack on Liquizel. Infinite was dancing around the villain, who seemed to be able to multiply itself. His mouth was moving, but Veera didn't care what he was saying.

"He's a handsome prick, though," Farah said with pointed, suggestive eyebrows.

Veera scoffed. "Not to me," she said. "He's as annoying as..." she hesitated.

"As?" Farah asked.

Veera averted her eyes and stared at the ground. Her lips thinned tightly, and Farah understood.

"Ah, I got it." She reached for the remote and switched the TV off. "He's not that good to look at anyway."

"Changing sides already?" Veera smirked.

"I was never on his side, to begin with." Farah laughed. "You know I'm all about the villains."

"Yeah, I know." Veera took out a frilly blouse from her closet. "Will this be good?"

"With some jeans? Sure. Ooh! Or maybe leggings...Nah, jeans are better," Farah decided.

Veera slipped the blouse on and lifted her legs up one at a time and gripped Farah's shoulders as the other girl bent down to help her put her pants on.

"I wish you could come with me." Veera rubbed her elbow. "Or better yet, I wish I wasn't so impulsive and had said no instead."

"Why? Don't you want to spread your wings some more?" Farah asked.

"Yes, but...I'm starting to regret it now." Veera bit her lip and twirled a strand of her hair. "It was one of those bouncing ideas that just starts a fire in you, you know? One that makes you feel so fucking confident until the day actually comes and now..."

"Now you feel like pissing your pants?"

"Yeah, something like that."

Farah smiled and pushed herself up from Veera's baby purple sheets. She put both her hands on her best friend's shoulders and squeezed them confidently.

Villainous VeeraWhere stories live. Discover now