Let me tell u something, I'm a vampire, not a bad one a good one. Yes, I might have to kill but I kill the bad ones not the good ones.
My whole family is vampires, I haven't even told my best friends that I am one.
Because I won't know what he will think of me, he might run or call the police or kill me.
No one knows what he might do, I'm just hoping it's nothing bad.
So I went to him, and I said in my words," josh I need to tell u something I'm not joking I'm a vampire..."
He was in shock when I told him that... It looks like he has cold feet. I don't know what to do so I let him be for a bit to calm down and think about what is happening.
Because this is happening fast and it's hard to tell him that, and because of my first kill we and this party and he didn't come and he was angry at me for weeks.
This is big I think this might be the year I don't know or ever...
I hope not anyways I went home and sat down, and I told my parents that I told him. They screamed at me saying," why did u do that u are putting us at stack do u not care about our reputation!!!!"
I left quietly and satellite elite down and breathed in and out And sang shake it all about and do that hockey docky and turn around that's what it is all about.
It's a great song, and by the way, if I didn't mention, I'm the original legacy I was born a vamp.
The innocent vampire
VampirosThere is this girl called Ellie she is a vampirs she is innocent and was accused of muder and was locked away and wanted ded but she ran