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YOU did your usual morning routine, woke up from whatever motel room you were given after you stole the money to sleep in the said place, then you'd take a nice shower, put some clothes on and make your way out into the city that you called home, you know, since you did not have an actual home.

Now you walked the beautiful streets in the city you learned to love of your 10 years there, New York. Never walked with a smile though, you'd rather not have people know you enjoyed the city and always thought it was easier to just keep your feelings and thoughts to yourself. A trait that you learned to regret later.

You actually considered that today was the day you wouldn't do your daily routine of walking, looking at the city of New York, and pickpocketing people for money. Today was the day you would hope to find a job that willingly gave you money.

The first time you pickpocketed someone was when you were 14, and at that time you were still sleeping in alleyways or sneaking into stores that where just about to close down.

Now you guessed instead of stealing money from strangers why not make it from them? Logical thinking, you thought to yourself.

You wouldn't go to find a job right now, you needed money for food. And you already know just how to achieve this goal.

You hated reminding yourself that you can't be a reformed thief if in the end you were just going to steal anyways, but it's not like you're stealing valuables or anything. You're just simply pickpocketing money from strangers so you can survive in this cruel world.

Sighing to yourself, you noticed a man walking a little in-front of you, maybe in his earlier 30's or older. You could tell from the way he strides. You are also 100% sure you're god's favourite because from what you can tell from behind you see a decent amount of cash hiding in the back of the man's pocket.

You quickly speed up your pace and "accidentally" bumped into the man with dirty blonde hair, sneakily pulling the money from his pocket in the process.

"I'm so sorry, I'm kind of in a hurry!" You sheepishly apologizes after bumping into him, slowing down your pace and giving your best defeated voice to make it more believable.

"It's fine. Don't worry bout it." The man says with a small smile before continuing off to wherever he was heading.

You almost felt bad, but waved off the thoughts of empathy. If you're going to be a thief you can't feel bad for the victims.

You glanced at your hand that held the money and frowned as it was only ten dollars. To think you were hoping to buy yourself an extravagant meal instead of whatever the hell you could afford with this much money.

Maybe you can drown your sorrows with a drink at a local bar, or maybe you could eat some chips. That oughta fill you right up, right?

After debating on what to do with just ten dollars, you decided to go to a store and buy yourself some water and chips, much to your dismay.

As you walked to the 2 minute distance store, you wanderd back to how on earth would you be able to get a job. It's a whole process itself trying to find one that actually appealed you, then it's another thing actually having to have proof that you can work at the said place.

But maybe your looks could get you a job alone. It wouldn't be the first time you used your looks to get something you wanted.

You let your eyes trail to the local bar right across the street from the store you now arrived at. Possibly you could get a job there, or maybe not because it wasn't your favourite place in the world.

Especially since the manager there is kind of a prick and you never could get a decent drink if your life depended on it, but second chances are always nice.

Before you could let your thoughts take control, you turn your attention away from across the street to enter your favourite store that held so much personality.

"Hey, how's my number one customer!" The store clerk greeted you from behind the counter.

"Hungry." you simply answered, looking over each isle in boredom.

You never learned the store clerk's name, not because you didn't care, but you never were good at remembering names and you also never asked.

The store clerk hums in response as a guy approaches the counter, putting his items on as well.

Meanwhile, you wandered the familiar isle that held different brands of chips before picking up the classic plain lays flavour. Call yourself boring if you want, but this was the very first bag of chips you were offered while you spent so much time in the streets as a kid.

Then, you made your way to the back of the store that contained drinks, and you didn't get your promised bottled water, but instead got an apple juice, because apple juice is the best.

After getting your items you made your way to the front counter and placed them onto it before gazing your eyes downward where other candy laid before picking up a milky way.

"You come here a lot, but every time I offer you a job here ya always decline." The store clerk speaks up as he rung up your food.

"I'd rather buy here, besides I already have a job." You told him, obviously lying at the end.

"Really? Where?" He asks, putting the items into a black plastic bag.

"The bar across the street." You said, handing him the ten dollar bill.

The store clerk takes the ten dollar bill, giving you a few change back before nodding.

"With that young boy who always stealing from me?" He questions, raising his eyebrows as an annoyed facial expression stood on his face.

You didn't know who he was talking about, but decided it was best to play along.

"Yup." You replied, grabbing your bagged items from on top of the counter.

"The other day he took a fifty from me, fifty!" The store clerk countered, shaking his head in disappointment.

"I don't know how yer able to work with him." He continues, turning around as he mumbled something to himself.

You said nothing and offered him a goodbye, along with having a nice day because, well manners, before you continued to go back to walking the fine streets that is New York.

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