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Skylar's pov
I got home , I went by motorcycle with Steve , give me a moment ....

That was amazing , we walked into The comum area where my father was

" my sweet angel cmere " my father said with his arms open

Which I accepted it and hugged my father , he kissed the top of my head and hugged me tightly

" I already deal with the paperwork to get you out of school and put you homeschooling "

" ok " I said nodding

" so now you're taking a bath, relax and then we will talk ok " my father said

I got quickly out of his embrace

" talk?"

" yes darling talk "

I started shaking, and breathing heavily, we can't talk , I already know what he wants .

" go go take a bath" my father shooed me

I took the god damn bath always thinking about the conversation he wants to have with me

After my bath my father knocked on the door .

" can I ?"

" yes "

" sweetheart " he started , he sat on the edge of the bed next to me

" why didn't you tell me? That you were being bullied?"

" I-I didn't want to worry and bother you "

" sky ... how many time do I have to tell you that you don't bother me , you know if you want to talk to me I will let everything I was doing behind "

" I'm sorry , I just didn't want to worry you " I said looking down

" are you sure that that's the reason?"

" yes "

" look in my eyes , and tell me "

" I don't want to be a burden on your life just that , I don't want to bother you , and if you knew before and went to do something about it, you would make everything worse , done happy?" I sighed and looking at his eyes as he told me to

" oh baby .... you're not a burden to me , you're my salvation my angel , it was a choice staying with you one choice that I never ever ever regret it "

I was looking down almost tearing up , why ? Why don't I believe that? Why do t I believe on a single word of his ? Is it my mind so ducked up that it filters the words and turns it against me ? Is it my mind just torturing me ?

" look at me sky , dont you ever think something like that again "

I nodded, and gave him a small smile .

He stands up to leave until I remembered

" hum dad ?"

" yes my love "

" hum I have a fancy party , next week I think , it's Peter aunt's party of her company , and he invited me "

" that's great "

" an I needed a pair , so I asked at the first person I saw , and it was Steve .... is that ok with you ?"

" yeah sure darling , at least he's responsible and I can trust him to bring my daughter home safely , and I know he would never let you in danger ."

" thank you "

He smiled and went out .

I breathe, I felt like someone was chocking me , but it's just my anxiety.

I can't be left alone with my mind because it makes me do  unthinkable things .

It lead me to the roof to the edge of the roof.

I was crying while my mind was torturing me .

" SKYLAR !" I heard two people screaming my name but the voices in my mind were louder that looks like they were at the end of the tunel

Suddenly I felt two strong arms around my waist pulling me inside , far away from the roof top's edge

" sky" captain said

" sky you promised what about our Deal ?" Natasha asked

" I'm sorry ,  sorry , I'm sorry I couldn't help it " I said crying

" it's ok , sky it's going to be alright " Steve said hugging me , he had his chest against my head

" wait .... you said deal ? What deal ?" Steve curious asked

" she would stop trying to kill herself while I stop drinking " Nat said

" skylar! And you Natasha ! Negotiate on top of lives , are you nuts ? " Steve said

" I had to make her stop somehow ok ! Even sacrificing what I love to do drink !"

Steve sighed

" but it's a fair deal , which skylar didnt fulfilled it " Steve finally said

" then who would I come to the Peter boy fancy party with?" Steve said trying to cheer the mood

" a fancy party ? With captain Rogers ? Why didn't you tell me sky " she said teasingly

I sent her a death stare

" ok let's start the deal again shall we ?" Natasha asked

" ok let's do it "

" that's great "

" ok please don't tell my father I already worried him enough "

"Ok only if you promise to fulfill the deal" Steve said

" ok thank you " I said wiping the tears that I didn't noticed having

They brought skylar inside and Steve was being her support literally, she was relaying her strength on Steve , with her hand around his waist and his hand around her back , while Nat was on the other side of her smiling to herself with this interaction.

Tony appears and sees that scenario

" what happened?! Skylar you're ok ? " he said extremely worried

" yeah yeah I'm fine "

" you look like you've been crying what.happened. "

" it was nothing, skylar wasn't feeling good , and she was probably dizzy and fell, it happened to anyone, sometimes fell or tripped because of dizziness " Nat said

" yeah and we were nearby and helped her" Steve continued the lie

" hum .... dizziness?"

" yes dad dizziness, I just need to rest it's ok I'm ok now "

" alright, do you need Bruce to check up on you ? "

" no no Im fine now "

" ok ok Well capsicle we need you in the conference room and you too Kim possible "  tony and his sarcasm , he loves giving nicknames to people

Both of the avengers rolled their eyes and then look at skylar

" will you be ok ?" Nat said

" yes "

" don't do anything stupid till We come back" Steve said

" how could I you're bringing all the stupidity with you " I said giving a little smile

" and she's a stark " Natasha said turning around and following tony .

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