02. journal

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[bonfire and old journal]

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[bonfire and old journal]

[bonfire and old journal]

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BELLY HAD SNUCK OUT GOING TO THE bonfire. conrad and addy was sitting on the sand, addy in con's lap. he had his hands on her waist and they were making out kissing each other.

steven notices belly, and the two start arguing. belly had fallen down on the sand causing conrad and adelaide to turn their heads to see belly.

"belly?" conrad and adelaide both questioned. belly stood up. "what are you doing here?" addy questioned.

jere came running to belly. "belly! you came! great, we can all hang out, you guys."

"i'm about to take her home." steven said. "what?" jere questioned.

jere and steven were arguing. belly walks past them as addy and conrad were talking with jealousy in her eyes.


"what's your problem man? it's one beer. it's a party relax."

"no give me my beer back. i paid for this." conrad said.

"conrad. stop it." adelaide sternly said. the two guys started fighting. then red and blue lights started shining coming to realization that the cops showed up. addy pulled onto conrad's arm as they ran.

"get in the car." addy said pushing him. she went to sit next to him as his head fell down landing on addy's lap.

she played with his hair. once his eyes were closed she stopped her movements, but his hand gripped hers. "don't stop, i like it." he muttered and she continued doing it.


"OFFICERS THANK YOU. IT WON'T HAPPEN again, i can promise you that much." laurel said to the two cops.

"tell mr. fisher the chief wants to set up a tee time when he gets back in town." the male cop said.

"absolutely. sorry again for all the trouble." laurel apologized and the two cops left.

she turned to them. addy was standing next to jere and steven next to him. conrad sitting on the bench with belly stood near the edge of it.

"how could you guys be so irresponsible?" laurel asked. "mom it wasn't a big deal. all right? seriously. the cops were just looking to break yp the bonfire." steven said walking towards his mom.

"not a big deal?" laurel questioned. "yes." steven nodded. "i would say getting picked up by the cops for underage drinking is a pretty big deal, steven. what were you thinking?"

steven then sniffs something. "were you guys smoking tonight?"

"what? keep your voice down. susannah's asleep on the couch." laurel questioned. "well i wasn't yelling. well, you- you- you were."

"just so you know laurel, i- i didn't drink tonight. i was the dd i swear." jeremiah said.

"you're the oldest. what the hell's gotten into you adelaide? and when did you leave the house without telling anybody? and what in the world are you wearing?"

"it's taylor's. and why am i the only one who's not allowed to go out?" belly asked. "it's not that you're not allowed, it's that you should have told us you were going. how did you even get there?"

"i walked." belly mumbled. "jesus. you know better than to walk that far down the beach alone late at night." laurel scolded.

"can you stop treating me like a kid?" belly complained. "if you want to be treated like an adult, you need to act like one."

"i hope you realize this night could have ended a lot differently if your family wasn't your family." laurel said.

"we're sorry laur." jere apologized. "just, go to bed guys." laurel said.

jere, steven and belly left. conrad stood up. and addy about to leave. laurel turned to the two of them.

"i don't understand what's going on with the two of you. you have been different since last summer." laurel directing it to adelaide.

adelaide stayed silent answer laurel.

"nothing. nothing's going on." conrad said walking away. she walked away as well, adelaide going upstairs into her room instead of conrad's this time.

 she walked away as well, adelaide going upstairs into her room instead of conrad's this time

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ADELAIDE COULDN'T SLEEP so she went to the beach. she walked there with her mom's journal. adelaide held herself back from reading it.

lily gave it to her and when she died to tell her to read it. she urged herself to not read it the moment lily gave it to her. adelaide's nerves were reeking because what could be inside the journal.

adelaide sits down, opening the journal and let out at small gasp.

on the top of the page was around the year she was born. meaning it was during lily's pregnancy.

adelaide reads it. "dear zoe, or kaitlyn, or angela, to my little girl. leon asked if this was a love letter. i guess it kind of is."

leon was a good friend of lily she would say. adelaide briefly met him once when she was a child.

"i never got the chance to know my mother. i have no idea what she must of thought when she carried me. so i thought i'd write to you so that you could know how happy i am at this very moment."

"how much i can't wait to meet you and i want to make you a promise. three things that you will have. that i never did. a safe home. someone to tell you that they love you every single day. and someone to fight for you no matter what. in other words family. so there you go little girl. the rest we're gonna have to figure out together. i love you. your mom."

it was written in the journal. she flipped a page and it was more diary entries, assuming about adelaide on how she grew up or small updates happening in lily's life.

adelaide felt a presence and turned around. it was conrad. "hey addy." he said and sat next to her.

"hey connie." she greeted. "what's that?" pointing to the journal.

"just a journal."

conrad nodded.

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