Dearly? Departed.

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I reread the letter several times. I can’t believe her. First she cheats on me with my best friend, and then she has him kill me, ON OUR WEDDING DAY! She blames me for my own death? How does that make sense? I don’t know how I’m back but I am. I am furious and heartbroken. I easily remember how that day went.

    I had woken up earlier than usual after not being able to sleep. I had been struggling to tie my tie so my best friend since childhood Dean Ridgeway tied it for me. There was something off about him that day, but I couldn’t put my finger on what it was. “Congrats dude, you’re finally tying the knot.” He had told me. I’d thanked him and got my shoes on. I was standing in front of everyone at the altar nervously. When I heard the bridal chorus begin to play, I got extremely excited. As those doors opened and I saw my bride-to-be, I took in her beauty and the fact that I could finally call her my wife.

     After the ceremony I walked outside to breathe in the crisp night air. I walked by the tree in the courtyard where I had told Elyzabeth I loved her for the first time when we were fifteen. I was basking in the memories when I felt a sharp pain in my back and chest. I looked down to see a crimson stain rapidly spreading across my white undershirt. I turned around and saw Dean holding a bloody knife.

     I collapsed on my knees, while my vision started to blur, I saw him smirk at me. “Till death do you part.” I barely heard him say before everything went black for good.

    I’m back now though. And I want revenge. But there’s a problem.

    How do I find them? It’s not like they planned for me to come back. I start looking around the house trying to find clues, as to where they could have gone. I end up finding a picture of Elizabeth and I, from when we were seventeen. I think back to how sweet she was back then, it seems so long ago.

    She was upset because her parents were arguing again, even though they always were. She had come over to my house, my parents loved her and treated her like a daughter. They were always super extremely kindhearted people, and treated everyone with generosity.

    She had seemed like such a kind and caring person back then. Three years ago however, she had started to seem colder. She spent more time with Dean than she had with me, but I didn’t question it. I trusted her, and when my other friends told me that they had seen Dean and Elyzabeth kissing, I hadn’t believed them.

    I drop the picture on the ground watching the glass frame shatter on impact. I notice a piece of paper sticking out of a drawer. I walk over and grab it; it reads “Reminder: Flight 210 to Massachusetts departs at 11:55 AM Monday April 25, 2035.” I look at my watch and realize that it's in two hours. I head out the door, on my way to the airport.

    When I arrive at the airport there is only half an hour left. I make it to the gate with fifteen minutes to spare. I see Elyzabeth holding on to Dean tightly, which makes my blood boil. I get the last available ticket for the plane, and head over.

    I sit directly behind them and my icy hand grazes Elzabeth’s when I reach back to sit comfortably. I see her flinch, and I can feel the warmth protruding from her. I chuckle softly at her reaction.

    I put on the sweetest voice I can and say “Something the matter, miss?” She says, “Oh, no I’m quite alright, thank you.”. She turns and looks at me, her eyes widen. I smirk “Miss me?” I ask sarcastically. She stutters out “M-M-Mi-Michael?”. “I got your letter.” I say dryly. “Oh! I’m sorry love, please let me make it up to you!” She cries.

    “Make what up to me? The fact that you had me killed? How’s that gonna work? You’re sorry? Really? You think that’s gonna work?” I ask. “Michael please, don’t be this way.” she begs. “Don’t be what way? Dead? Angry? I have every right to be angry, it’s your fault! I loved you!” I say, raising my voice slightly.

    “Michael! It was my idea, she didn’t want you dead, I did! I wanted you out of the picture permanently!” Dean yelled, getting the attention of a few on goers nearby. “Dean, I should have known you would do something like this, always talking about death, and murders. You acted as though you were my friend. I trusted you!” I shouted back.

    After about half an hour of missing our plane, and shouting back and forth, security escorted all three of us outside. We ended up taking the same car back to the house, as I had taken a cab using money I found in a drawer.

    “What right do you think you have to just come back and shout at us in the middle of an airport anyway?” Dean asked once we had returned. “Seriously? You planned my murder, stole my wife, and stabbed me in the back, literally I might add.” I smarted. “Yeah I guess you’re right, I should have just talked to you, I had no right.” He said “What can I do to make it up to you?” “Nothing quite yet.” I say eerily.

    I walk into the kitchen and look down at a knife. “Why don’t we go see our tree?” I ask, smirking. They share a look. “Yeah, sure” was the hesitant reply that came.

    Once we got to the tree in the churchyard, hidden to onlookers, I see Dean look exactly where my body fell just a few months ago. “You know, I kinda liked the feeling it gave me, taking a life.” Dean says, in a hushed tone. I see his eyes flick up to Elyzabeth, as he pulls a dagger from his pocket. She has yet to notice as he starts to move closer to her.

    He goes to stab her, but I block his way. I feel the blade enter my stomach. I look down and see it, buried hilt deep. I pull it out and say, “Death didn’t part us forever.” I then stab him in the chest. His blood staining the blade.

    “Oh my God, What have you done? I just watched you kill Dean! Oh my God!” Elyzabeth shouts. I chuckle darkly. I turn around Dean's blood on my already stained suit.

    “But darling, you still love me don’t you? You didn’t see anything.” I say slyly. “Yes, I love you, but I just watched you kill a man!” She cries. “Oh. My sweet, you don’t realize?” I ask, tilting my head in a confused manner.

    “Realize what?” She asks, terrified. “That love is blind.” I say, pressing my thumbs into her eye sockets until I see her blood drip onto my hands, ignoring her screams. When I know she can see no more, I say, “Nobody will ever believe you my love.”

    And, with that I press the dagger into my back, as it was when I died and making sure it hit my heart. “Goodbye, Elyzabeth, I love you.” I say as I breathe my last breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2022 ⏰

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