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═ ☆. YOU HAD A BAD FEELING IN your stomach about this whole thing. Even though you knew Trish and Giorno were the most competent Stand users out of everyone, this plan of theirs felt half-baked. How could it be as easy as finding Sale at the tram station and asking about Signor D? He and Zucchero had already shown they were willing to sink a yacht to get rid of you for overhearing a conversation. Sale was a serious operative for Signor D. He wouldn't take this scrutiny into his business lightly. If he were to render them immobile, he could seriously hurt them. Was that something Trish and Giorno realized?

Maybe you were just surprised Risotto was willing to go along with it. He'd seen Sale's Stand firsthand. Did he think you stood a chance against that ability? Was Spice Girl going to turn Sale into a pool noodle while Gold Experience made flowers grow from his pants?

If Risotto managed to get a pair of scissors into Sale's throat, you might stand a chance.

Sale wouldn't leave for the tram until noon. Giorno claimed this information was from Sale's profile and that anyone could have found it. But like you had suspected since the beginning, you could find out anything if you were high enough on the ladder. (Also, Giorno had Abbacchio's tentative backing now, and the cop-in-training seemed to know everything about everyone.)

You swung about idly in your desk chair, glancing at your phone every few minutes. You wished you could have left straight away to go after Sale. It would've been better than sitting on your ass, agonizing over what might happen. You'd woken up early, but your head was too distracted to get any of your classwork done.

One more hour. Not that long now.

A few threads of White Satin appeared between your fingers. You'd found themselves playing Cat's cradle with your Stand whenever you got like this, antsy and all over the place. It was hardly the most productive thing to do with your Stand, but you had to admit it calmed your nerves.

Someone knocked on your door.

You didn't answer right away. There was no reason for anyone to knock on your door right away when a text would let you know to expect them. The last time you'd opened your door to a stranger had led to the Prosciutto debacle. Like hell were you letting that happen again. Hell, it might even be those annoying girls again, whining about their lack of attention and making you feel like shit.

The second knock was harder and louder than the first.

You slowly got to your feet. It was strange that none of the dorm rooms in Sapiena had a peephole. Maybe those were a relic of the past or something, but you could really use one right now.

When the person outside your door knocked again, you jumped. They weren't knocking so much as banging on the door now. You hadn't received any texts in the last ten minutes, but could it be someone you knew? Was there an unexpected change of plans?

White Satin coiled around your feet, ready to strike. Who was that knocking so insistently? The sound made you want to open the door, despite your instincts screaming at them not to.

Your hand curled around the doorknob. If they knock one more time, I'll open the door.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

You tried to edge the door open the tiniest bit to see who was on the other side. The door swung inwards the second you unlocked it. It smashed into your face, and you lurched back with a hiss of pain. Before you could get your bearings, a fist collided with your temple, sending them crashing to the floor. Stars exploded in your vision as you hit the ground. You immediately tried pushing themselves to your feet, but a savage kick to your side left them gasping for breath. You heard your door slam closed before your assailant shoved them onto your stomach. They yanked your hands behind them and pressed a knee into your back, pinning them in place.

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