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The next day


I wake up due to menma and kawaki crying I grab both of them and head downstairs so they don't wake up sasuke because he got drunk at the party and the next day when he wakes up he gets really stubborn I head downstairs and I start to make breakfast while menma and kawaki are playing and ofc am keeping my eyes on them.

It's been awhile and now am done doing breakfast I set the food on the table and go and get menma and kawaki and out them on there high chair and break tiny pieces of pancakes and put them in their plates and they start eating while there eating I go and see if sasuke was still sleeping.

As soon as I got up I heard someone walking down the stairs and it was sasuke he came towards us and sat down and started eating I smile and sit back down and eat "good morning love" Sasuke says while continuing to pick some food "good morning sasuke" I say back as I see a little smile form on his face.

After eating

We were now done eating I grabbed my bag and headed out the door while screaming "Sasuke am going to get groceries!" He was in the living room doing some work and menma and kawaki were playing on the ground I see him nod and I head out the door.

The grocery store wasn't far so I decided to go walking while I was walking I felt someone following me I then decided to just ignore it and continue shopping I made it to the store got a cart and started grabbing things I was then done and payed and headed back to the house.

While I was walking I then felt someone once again following me I turned around but saw no one and continued walking I then felt a cloth on my mouth I dropped the groceries and I was struggling to breath and then I felt dizzy and my vision was then blurry and then I closed my eyes and I felt them pick me up and take me somewhere.

Meanwhile with sasuke

Sasuke POV

After breakfast I got up grabbed my computer that was on the table went to living room and started doing some of my work and then naruto comes and places kawaki and menma down on the floor he then walks to the door puts his shoes on and grabs his bag. "Sasuke am going to the grocery store"

I didn't respond instead I just nodded my head and he walked away I went back to my ro doing my work while I saw that menma and kawaki were playing around and I smiled I was glad I had a family and then I just waited for naruto to come back.

2 hours later

It has been 2 hours and naruto is still not here I was then worried and something might have happened to him I walk towards the door pit my shoes on and grab my phone I then was about to head out until I heard menma and kawaki giggling I then remember who is going to take care of them.

I then went to pick them up and just decided to bring them with me we walk out the door and go looking for naruto while we were walking I see some grocery bags and narutos bag I then immediately knew that something happened to him I pick everything up and head back home.

I put the groceries down and hang narutos bag on the hook we had I take off my shoes and put the twins down "dobe pls be safe".

With naruto

I started to get my vision back from when I passed out when I woke I saw black but I felt that my feet were tied up and my hands as well I had tape in my mouth and I couldn't talk and I could here some voices someone then get close to me and takes the blindfold off.

I saw who it was it was a man with blue hair and glasses on he looked at me and smiled "he's awake" he said and then a mans with black hair and his skin was pale came and he licked his lips and saw his big tounge.

I was scared at what he was going to do with me he took off the tape I had in my mouth and now I was able to speak again "where am I and who are you!" I said the two man just ignored me and continued to look at me.

"Kabuto go get me the pole" the man with black hair said and the man with blue hair left to get the pole after some time the guy with blue hair came back with a medal pole I then started to get scared cause I knew that he was going to beat me up.

"Here you go orochimaru-sama" kabuto said the black hair man then grabbed it and started to hit me with it I got bruises all over my body the blue hair man just left orochimaru then stopped and looked at me "hmm sasuke uchiha s wife" he looked at me and was smirking he then threw the pole and started going towards me he made me stand up.

He close to me and started to touch my body I felt his hands grab my waist and he pushes me  towards him he took of the tape off my hands and feet and he started to take my clothes off "pls no I don't want this" I said and my voice was shaky and he noticed that. "Why so scared just pretend that am sasuke~" he said.

And ofc I was not going to pretend that he was sasuke because when sasuke touches me his hands are warm and his hands were cold he started to kiss my neck and I started to push him away from me but he just pushed himself back to me.

He was then smelling my scent gland while he was touching me I felt disgusted I was then almost naked the only thing I had were my boxers he then looked at my body and licked his lips he then forced my boxers off so I was now without clothes when he was about to touch me again I hear kabuto yell and he sighs and leaves.

He left and locked the door so I couldn't escape he also took my clothes with him so I had no clothes on it was already dark outside I was cold my body was shivering I then decided to sleep trying to be warm as possible but I was still cold.

The next morning

I woke up and I saw orochimaru next to me I obviously got up and and sat on the cold floor trying to cover myself as I can orochimaru then wakes up and sees me on the floor he gets close to me again and is touching me "pls leave me alone" I said while some tears were now going down my eyes.

He separated and slapped my face "stop crying I hate crybaby's" and then left I got up and looked out the window my eyes just widened when I saw that we were in a cabin in the middle of a forest I didn't know which way was sasukes house.

Orochimaru that's came back and headed towards me and begin touching me again he licked his lips and started licking my neck ofc I felt disgusted because his tongue was not like any tongue I then pushes him he slapped me again and left the room. "What do I do?Sasuke pls help me" I said tears coming down.

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