A vague threat or a sign of care

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(3rd person POV)

After tucking in Evan Petra walked back into the order Hall where everyone met up with her to talk about what just happened.

"So do you guys see what I mean?" Petra said

"Believe me Petra I see what you mean now." Jessie replied

"I'm still wondering why he freaked out so much when I tried to patch up his head?" Said Olivia

"Come to think of it, when I tried to pat Evan on the head he pushed my hand away. At first I thought he was doing it because he didn't like to be touched but now I'm starting to think it's something a lot more personal with him."  Said Jessie

"His outburst didn't sound like he was in pain, more like whatever injury he has on his head he got it in a very traumatic way." Olivia stated as Jesse chimed in.

"Like whenever someone other than him touches that spot unwrapped it forces him to relive the memory of how he got it. That would explain why he was able to wrap them up without freaking out. But if he could change his bandages all by himself, why were they so old and dirty?" Jesse said

"That's not even the weirdest part. Remember when Evan hugged me and he immediately calmed down? Well the way he clung to me it was almost as if he was afraid something bad was going to happen to me if he let me go, almost like he was protecting me from someone. But the weirdest part was right before he was about to sleep he said "Goodnight Elisabeth." Right as I close the door. Petra responded

"It's very obvious that he's hiding something from us but I still don't feel comfortable interrogating him so quickly. We'll wait a couple of days to see if he'll tell us more, there is a reason he's hiding it from us and I don't think it's because of stranger danger. We need to see what makes him tick, what makes him comfortable, And then we will hit him with the questions in hopes he will give us proper answers." Jesse said, sounding pretty reassured in her plan.

"So what are we supposed to do with him for the time being." Petra interjected as Jesse had a response ready.

"Stay by him he really seems to like you Petra and you're the only one who was able to calm him down when he was freaking out. Take him to Ivor Evan is clearly not from this place so maybe he will have the answer to help get them out. Also Ivor knows how to understand people that are mysterious so maybe he'll be able to pick up the clues and find out What Evan is hiding." Jessie replied with her confident, almost smug-like response.

"All right I see your point. I'll stay close to him but won't ask him a lot of questions. I just hope going to Ivor will cause more good than harm." Said Petra.

The team had a good laugh and then headed off to bed. Jessie breathed Lucas on Evan but not everything because Lucas was half asleep. Later Into the Night Lucas wakes up to grab a snack, he often wakes up earlier because it's a good time for him to be alone with his thoughts to come up with some writing material. Lukas grabbed an apple out of the chest and their food storage area when they heard something creaking. He heard footsteps that sounded like they had pointy claws at the end of them and it was definitely big, bigger than a wolf but not an iron golem. Lucas grabbed a stone sword as he heard it walk closer to him but before he could turn to the hallway and see what it was the pointy Stomps we replaced with tiny footsteps. He turned around only to see Evan holding Goldie in his arms.

"Hello there you must be Evan right? Hi I'm Lucas." Said Lucas, a little jumpy in his voice.

The tension became incredibly creepy when Evan didn't say anything for a few moments before I quickly snapped out of something only to respond with.

"Do you get nightmares about them too?" Evans Answered in a calm, creepy tone.

"Nightmare is about who?" Lucas said, growing more nervous with every moment of awkward silence.

"You would if you saw him." Evan said

"Who would I see and why would I get nightmares by looking at them?" Lucas said, trying to get a better understanding of the situation.

"You can't see him because he's hiding right now in this very building. He just wanted to look around, then he started to hide because you showed up, which means he won't bother you unless you do something bad." Evan said while giving off a thousand yard stare right at Lucas.

"What would be something bad I could do for him to hurt me?" Lucas asked, almost scared of the result.

"It's more like if you do something bad to me, your friend almost did something bad but he wasn't there to see it but don't worry he knows it was an accident but next time he might not be so forgiving." Evan said ominously as Lucas started to eye the nearest exit.

"Okay well I'm off to bed now and I'll try my best not to do anything bad to you okay." Lucas said trying to sound confident but it was clearly failing.

"Sleep tight, I'll make sure he won't come to bite." Evan responded before walking back to his room as if the whole interaction didn't happen.

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