Stack up for the inevitable knockdown

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(A/N Sorry I have an update in a while, with school projects, writer's block, and a new hyper fixation on a TV series called "Don't Hug Me I'm Scared" (Which I might make another crossover fanfic with that) I got very distracted but don't worry more updates will be coming your way.)

(Ch 9)

(With Evan and the order)

Evan was happy that he could finally open up to someone about his life. Nightmare animatronics aren't the best therapist so finding someone he could relate to and talk about his life without being too specific was great. Evan was also intrigued by Ivor's potions he wanted to learn all about them in what capabilities hid within each concoction.

"Welcome back guys. Hey, Evan how was your visit with Ivor?" Lucas said noticing the positive expression on Evan's face.

"I had fun! Ivor gave me this potion and tomorrow he's going to show me his lab in the basement!" Evan replied with childlike enthusiasm.

"That is the plan. Ivor did a great job with Evan." Petra said before she stopped and looked at Evan with the healing potion. "You should probably drink that healing potion Evan it will help you with your head injury."

"O-ok," Evan said

Evan started to drink the potion, he was a little nervous because he had no idea what happens when taking something from a different world and how it'll affect his body. He know it wouldn't remove his bite mark, that's permanent. Luckily the potion didn't taste bad it was sweet and not like the medicine from his world. As he was drinking it he felt his body grow stronger, not physically, more like every little bump or scratch on his body got replaced with energy, his body felt like he could endure anything.

"Wow, this feels amazing! How long do I get to feel like this?" Evan said enthusiastically, due to the fact he's never felt pain be gone so quickly.

"Slow down Evan. Are you sure Ivor didn't give you a potion of swiftness instead?" Jesse asked in a joking tone.

"No, potions of swiftness are blue or green. Or maybe the green one was a potion of Leaping? There were so many of them it was hard to remember it all, but that's why I want to go back tomorrow!" Evan said touching his bandages a little trying to remember what color goes to what kind of potion.

"Don't worry Evan you are going to see Ivor tomorrow. In the meantime, Jesse and I are going to talk to Axel and Olivia about some information on getting you home. Is it okay if Lucas takes you to bed?" Petra reassured Evan.

Evan glanced at Lucas before looking back at Petra and looked back at Lucas, not at his head, and happily grabbed Lucas's hand to lead him to the guest bedroom where Evan was staying. Lucas was slightly nervous mostly because their last interaction was dodgy at best and oddly threatening at worst. Lucas turned around to look at Petra mouthing "Why me". Jesse smirked while Petra just mouthed back to Lucas "You got this!" With the same petty smirk Jesse was making.

Lucas and Evan finally made it to the guest room. Evan got into bed making sure Goldie was sitting comfortably before looking at Lucas.

"I'm sorry if I made you nervous this morning. It's just that this place is new and these people are new to me as well and well it just makes me nervous and," Evan said stumbling over his words.

"Hey buddy it's all right I'm still pretty new here and with them as well. I used to be the rivaling team and building competitions and now we're great friends. A little bit of time is all you need to help you feel like you fit right in." Lucas said assuring Evan that everything is okay. 

"Thanks Lucas that was really helpful." Evan replied. Evan felt a little relatability in Lucas's statement. That's how he felt when he possessed Golden Freddy and found the other possessed kids. Evan remembered how he and Gabriel were friendly rivals at the arcade games when they were both alive.

 Gabriel would sometimes call Evan a cheater because of how much time Evan got to spend at the pizzeria but Evan blew it off as Gabriel being a sore loser. Gabriel was finally able to play a game that Evan could never win, and that game was skeeball. After all the suits were possessed Gabriel and Evan would still play the arcade games from time to time and due to Evan's crappy hand-eye coordination after the bite Gabriel could take victory in skeeball. Sometimes Fritz and Susie would join in on the fun but no one challenged Susie in the fruit minigame. Susie was a goddess in the fruit minigame, the only time people would play with her is when they needed their egos deflated. Evan giggled to himself thinking of all those fun arcade game nights.

"Umm, Evan you still there?" Lucas asked looking at Evan's spaced-out expression.

"Yes I'm still here, sorry I was just thinking about my friends. Anyways good night," Evan said before quickly laying down.

"Well okay then. Good night Evan see you in the morning." Lucas awkwardly replied not being able to tell if Evan was actually asleep or just trying to get him to leave faster. Lucas left the room and before he closed the door he looked back in, to notice that Evan grabbed Goldie and started to mumble to it. Lucas quietly closed the door and went to go rejoin the others. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2023 ⏰

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