A night to remember

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It was around 6p.m Jack had just texted you wondering when you were coming over, his friends were all at his house playing FIFA and he really wanted you to meet them. You have met Gilinsky and Sam already so you thought it wouldn't be bad to meet the rest of the group.

Jack:hey babe when you comin over?
Y/n:I'll be there around 7
Jack:oh and do you mind helping me with dinner when you get here?
Y/n:I suppose
Jack:ok thanks, can't wait to see you!

I got up went and changed into a pair of skinny jeans and threw on one of jacks crew necks, slipped on my black vans grabbed my phone and left.

(You arrive)

I walked up to the door already hearing shouting and it sounded like a lamp got knocked over. I opened the door greeted by jack as he pulled me into a hug and kissed me on the cheek
"guys this is (y/n)" Jack said with delight.One of the guys got up shaking his head .

"how did Johnson get such a pretty lady" he grinned.

"shut up Nate" Jack said playfully shoving him.

Right as Sam chimed in "oh hey (y/n) I thought I'd never see you again!" He exclaimed winking at you.

Right then jack roughly kissed you,Nate and Sam giving Jack a confused look mumbled "ok then" then they both walked back to the couch where Gilinsky,Jake(Foushee) and Kenny(Holland) sat still playing FIFA.I then turned to Jack as he pulled me into the kitchen

"What was that about"I said trying not to sound rude.

"I'm sorry I didn't know what to do I just don't like when the guys flirt with you" he said with a gental tone in his voice

"aw Jack" I said sympatheticly,man he's so freakin cute.

We sat there In silence for a moment then I walked back to the living room and ask the guys what sounded good for dinner as jack stood behind me. Most of them said spaghetti so I turned to jack as he smiled and said "yay time to cook".
We finally were finished cooking the spaghetti and garlic bread but when we walked in the living room half the guys were already asleep "well" Jack said with a pause "more for us" he said grinning. That's when Gilinsky and Jake turned around "We were wondering what that smell was" Jake said amused.
Then the Four of you ate spaghetti and laughed at Jake's funny Impressions.

(Later around 11pm)
(Jack's P.O.V)

Man it's been a long night, Sam and Nate just left but Kenny and Jake decided to spend the night so they were asleep in the living room.
I had just got out of the shower so I walked into the kitchen In my boxers to find (y/n) asleep at the table. She always looked so cute when she slept , I pulled her chair out from the table and carried her bridal style upstairs. I layed her down and covered her with the blanket,kissed her on the cheek and whispered "good night" softly in her ear.
I really wasn't having much fun at first but it turned into an incredible night This was a night I was sure to remember.

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