PROLOGUE: Crumbling World

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Trix sat on her couch as her mother fumbled with her phone at her ear and a pencil and notepad in hand. Another emergency at her job. What was it? The 10th time today? Trix turned back to the TV. A news reporter talked over live footage of burning houses.

"This has been the 50th act of arson this week and 137th death. No survivors are known. More after the break." As the reporter spoke an amber alert went off. Trix turned it off. How many amber alerts this month? At least three.

A commercial played for the Better World Institution. She rolled her eyes. Why did she have to go this school. Oh, right. Her mother could barely provide for the both of them. The school offered free food and dorms as well as free admission for gifted students. At least things would be better when she returned after the school year. At the end of the commercial, there was the slogan, "Our children are the future, so invest in our future today.".

"Shit!" Cried her mother, looking at her watch, "Grab your bag mija, meet me in the car, go go go!" They rushed to the old car in the driveway.

"Got everything mija?" Her mom asked. Trix did a quick scan of her bag, "Yep". Her mom kept twisting the key. "C'mon chica, you can do it." The car puffed then they began to move.

"Mom, we need to get a new car."

"Mija, you know money's tight, besides, she's been good to us, so she'll be with us until she has to go off a better place."


Trix was slouched in the back of the car. Her mom tilted the mirror to see her daughter more clearly. "What's wrong mija?"

"Nothing, nothing it's stupid."

"I know that it's been hard since Charlene passed, but I'm sure someone at your new school will be able to fill the gap." She smiled at the mirror, "Maybe mine too."

"Ew, gross, stop!"

Her mom laughed as she put in a cassette tape and blasted music as they continued their hour trip to the institution.

They eventually made it to Institution. There was a long line of cars, waiting to drop off their kids.

"I know this school is world-class, but geez." Her mom remarked. They eventually made it to the drop of zone after seemingly hours. A woman in an all white, neat uniform and black belt with a name tag on her chest was waiting for her outside the car. As Trix stepped out of the car, she wondered why only one car was allowed to drop off at a time and why there was no pick up zone. She examined the name tag which read, "Trisha"

"See you in 3 months mom, love you" She shouted as she stepped towards the waiting woman.

"Love you too, see you mija!" Her mother waved goodbye.

Trix left the car and followed the woman inside, looking at her mom's car as it drove off before they made it inside.

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