Waterpark 🤿🛝

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An's POV:
I was sitting in my room bored as hell on a Saturday morning. I think Kohane was free today so I decided to call her.
*hey Kohane!*
*hi An! What do you need?*
*i was wondering if you were free today? I think we should go to the waterpark!*
*Of course, pack you bags! Lets meet up at 11am*
*got it! Cant wait to see you Kohane!*
I ended the call and checked the clock. It was 9am at the moment so i still had plenty of time. I started to get out my cute rose flower bag that Kohane gifted me and packed a few items. Sunscreen, 2 towels, sunglasses, swim goggles (just in case), a little sun hat, and of course my bikini! I changed into some shorts and a graphic t-shirt. I ran downstairs with the bag on my back. My dad was not at home for some weird reason but I didnt think much of it. I made some cereal and started eating as I was looking through my TikTok page for a while. Just as I looked at the time, it was 10:50 already! I quickly put on my shoes and texted Kohane that I was on my way!

Kohane's POV:
I just realized that it was already 10:51 because I slept so late yesterday! After I called An, I took a "small" nap! How stupid of me. I checked my phone quick and said that she was on her way!! I quickly packed a few things and put on my swimsuit with a t-shirt and shorts on top of it. I forgot about breakfast because I felt bad.. I didn't want her to wait too long for me. The waterpark was just 5 minutes away so I hope I won't be late..

An's POV:
I arrived at the waterpark and texted Kohane that I was here. She texted that she took a nap and was running a little late. I giggled softly and started to wait for her at the entrance. A few minutes later I saw her running towards me with sweat dripping from her face. "I-I'm so sorry! I made you wait long didnt I?" Kohane said with a worried look on her face. "Don't worry! I don't mind waiting a little for you. It was a tiny accident that you took a nap. You were probably tired!" Kohane gave me a glad look and hugged me.

We entered the water park and went in the girls locker room. We grabbed two lockers next to each other and put our bags inside of them. I took my bikini out and Kohane started freaking out. "Wait, you still didn't put on your swimsuit??" "Nope not yet I have to change into it now," before I could even start Kohane ran out the locker room shouting "UH OKAY! I-ILL GET A SPOT FOR US!😥" I'm pretty sure I saw her red as she saw my bikini. Hehe cute.

Kohane's POV:
I quickly ran out of the locker room red. I mean im sure best friends change In front of each other right? Ugh why am I overreacting so much about this! Even An acted normal about it! I found two lounge chairs with an umbrella and took off my t-shirt and shorts

 I mean im sure best friends change In front of each other right? Ugh why am I overreacting so much about this! Even An acted normal about it! I found two lounge chairs with an umbrella and took off my t-shirt and shorts

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I didn't really see what swimsuit I picked.. I mean it's cute but I'm gonna be kinda embarrassed for An to see me in it.. Our spot is right by the lazy river so we might go there first! Exciting! I waited and saw An coming out of the locker room. She was in a red vibrant bikini  (this is probably what it would look like)

 She was in a red vibrant bikini  (this is probably what it would look like)

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I blushed a little as she walked towards me. Wow..she's so beautiful in that swimsuit. It fits her hair so well.. "Hey Kohane!" "AH!" I snapped back to reality and realized that An was right in front of me. "Nice swimsuit Kohane, I didn't know you were the type to wear a two piece! You look really cute!❤️" An said as her cheeks were a little red. "Oh thanks An! You too! That swimsuit fits you very well."

We started off at the lazy river and got a floaty that could hold two people. At one point, water would spray at as and I got scared from it, it was cold!!

We got out of the lazy river and An BEGGED for us to go on a water slide. I kept telling her no because I hate them! I got on one as a kid and never went back on another one.. "Please Kohane PLEASEE!" An begged "If you get scared, I'll be there for you! "I-ugh fine I'll go I guess.." I mumbled "YAHOO LETS GO!" An grabbed my hand and dragged me to the water slides.

An's POV:
I was so excited for Kohane to go on a water slide with me! The thing is she doesn't know that I'm going to pick the scariest one! Hehe! We went up the stairs and waited in line. "Okay Kohane, you can sit behind me just in case you get scared and want to grab on. Just saying this slide is gonna be a scary one!" Kohane made a mad face at me. "WHAT! I told you not a scary one!!" "Yeah but if it's not scary, it's not fun!" It was our turn in line and Kohane was shaking like a leaf. I never realized she was traumatized from water slides! "Hey Kohane, if it really bothers you we don't have to go. I'm not gonna force you." I softly said to her. "No it's okay I wanna go! Just kinda scared but when I know you will be with me, I'll feel safer." I blushed by her words and we were next. "Okay sit in the back Kohane." "Alright.." The lifeguard told us that we could go and I leaned forward into the water slide. "AHHHHHHHH!😥" I heard Kohane scream. The next park was really cool. The slide would go transparent! When that part happened I felt Kohane wrap her arms around my stomach leaving her head on my back. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I'm not sure why but I really enjoyed it. When we reached the end of the water slide, Kohane was relieved. "Thank goodness that was over.." Kohane complained. "Haha! It was really fun though, im glad you went on it even when you were scared!" After we got out of the pool. I heard Kohane's stomach rumbling. "Oh yeah..I forgot to eat breakfast this morning..do you think they have a food place here?" Kohane said. "Oh yeah! They had a little snack place somewhere! We can go, I'm also hungry." Me and Kohane walked to the snack place and saw that they had waffles! "Oooo! I want some waffles!" "Same! Let's get some." We got some waffles and walked back to our spot to eat our food over there. After that we went to go swimming in the pool and played some more.
At the end of the day, me and Kohane said bye to each other and walked back home. The funny thing is, I already miss her.

1214 words😭

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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