Chapter 2

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"I hope I never see him again" seeing Daquan again after all these months brought me back to a dark side of my life. He was my first love And after he cheated on me my heart shattered . "I don't think I'll ever be able to love another boy again" I said as I pulled up to my Home in my all black Chevy Impala. I parked right in my brothers spot. My house was peach and white with black gates. My father loved gardening he had two tall mango trees that you couldn't help but notice and colorful flowers that surrounded the them. The front yard was nothing compared to the back yard it was like a tropical forest with all types of trees and plants. Anything you can name, my dad had it. From watermelons to bell peppers .He had it all. I grabbed my bag and got out my car. I slammed my car door shut and proceeded to the front door. I reached into ,my purse and couldn't find my keys. (My car was a push to start) then I thought to myself "where the hell can they be " I decided to sit down at my doorstep so I can pour everything out my bag to search for my keys. The minute my butt hit the ground my car made a sound like it locked. Then I felt my keys in my back pocket. " my dumb ass" I unlocked the big wooden front door and walked in. "The queen has arrived !" I yelled as I walked into my home. Damn it's cold in here. I walked to the light switch and cut it on. "STOP WHERE YOU ARE " a loud voiced yelled from the kitchen "I JUST MOPPED, IF I SEE ONE OF YOUR NASTY LITTLE FOOT PRINTS ON MY MARBLE TILES YOU GON HAVE TO SQUARE UP B." I laughed " shut up girl ". I looked around and said "damn you did a good job" the tables were shimmering and so was the floor. Our huge china cabinet with all my moms vases glimmered and shined, they once belonged to my grandmother and after she died my mom kept them. My sister(Marian, 23 ) walked out the kitchen ,she was about my height, long hair ,dark brown eyes and curves that were just but she had no ass sooo.... Marian had on a dirty apron with chocolate looking stains on it " what's cooking good lookin" I said flirtatiously. We would always play around like that we just have a special bond. " don't sauce me ugly " she said "bitch I look like you " I said laughing . "No the hell I don't " she said playfully pushing me and as over dramatic as I am I fell to the floor . She laughed and said " girl if you don't get yo dirty ass up, I just mopped" i got up and said "bitch guess who I saw today" "who !" She said looking interested. I sat down on our huge fluffy brown couch and paused . She said "who did you see liane " " Daquan dirty ass" I said making a nasty face " " where did you see him? What did he say?" I laughed and said " this nigga here, boy I tell you !, he ran up on me today hugging me and pouring his heart out crying and what not,to me telling me how much he missed me and how I was the best thing that ever---" a knock on the door cut me off. I got up and looked through the window and there he was- . I paused and the look on my faced alarmed Marian she got up and looked through the window " oh hell no" she said opening the door " what the hell do you want Daquan ?"

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