round 1 [ halfway point ] + active check #4

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Hi, everyone! Round 1 has reached it's halfway point, meaning there's a little over a week before determining the results for this initial round

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Hi, everyone! Round 1 has reached it's halfway point, meaning there's a little over a week before determining the results for this initial round.

Judges, please start turning in the forms. If you have any questions about them, you can always PM me or comment here. Again, once July 3rd comes around, I will not be accepting any more forms. This awards is time constrained so it's important that we remain on task and fulfill our responsibilities. I have to be just as punctual, and I know that it can be difficult, but just like I will try to do my best, I hope you all will too.

A huge thank you to all the judges who have already turned in all their forms! There will be prizes for Judges as well, which will be determined by the hosts.

Participants, if you have not followed your judges. Please do so now. If you don't know who your judges are, you may also PM me or comment here.

Lastly, for this active check, as always, inline comment below in the appropriate area. If you are a judge and participant, comment in both. You may comment on whatever you'd like as long as it's not rude or harmful to others.

Participants inline comment here.

Judges inline comment here.

Judges inline comment here

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