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Haechan: I um...

Aeri: Nari!

We turned and saw Aeri by the door. She glanced at both of us.

Aeri: Taeyong is looking for you.

Nari: Oh okay. Thanks for telling.

She nodded and i saw Nari get up and go out. I sighed in relief. Aeri looked at me and rolled her eyes. 

Aeri: At least say thank you.

Haechan: You don't deserve it.

She scoffed and started walking to the hallway. I put my laptop on the table and went to her, holding her wrist to stop her.

She turned and looked at our hands. I then saw her raise her head and meet my eyes with a glare.

Aeri: Let go.

Haechan: I won't. You have been avoiding me for a good while ever since i saw you in the college cafeteria on the first day. 

She looked away.

Haechan: We don't have to do this Aeri-

Aeri: Do you think you joining this group changes anything?

She spat out before looking back at me.

Aeri: I warned you to stay away the day i saw you on campus, when you tried to talk to me. But you decided to get yourself involved as well. Completely disregarding the thought of me trying to protect you.

I gulped. 

Haechan: Aeri-

Aeri: Why Haechan? Why? You could have-

Haechan: Because i love you! 



I sighed as i walked down the stairs. The three younger ones were still missing and we had no absolute information on them. What if something happened to them? What if they are-

I shook my head, disregarding any negative thoughts. I sighed again before opening the door that read 'staff only'.

Shotaro: Hey Nari.

I looked to the side and saw him and Sungchan sitting together going over a file together. I smiled at them.

Nari: hey guys. Got a new mission?

They nodded. Even with so many problems we still had work to do. I told them to carry on as i got to Taeyong's office. I opened the door and walked in to see him and Ten looking over a file.

Taeyong: Why are you here?

I frowned.

Nari: Aeri told me you called me?

Taeyong: I didn't...?

Nari: Then... never mind. Is there nothing i can do? I am really bored.

Taeyong: You are going to the drug deal tonight. so stop whining.

Nari: But that's at night... like midnight. It's only like 5 now.

Ten: Nari, you know Tae. He won't budge.

Taeyong: Whose side are you on?

Ten chuckled.

Ten: You are my bestie Tae, but Nari is my number one priority.

I stuck my tongue out at Taeyong who just rolled his eyes and went back to his files. Ten ruffled my hair before going out with two files.

Nari: Please Tae. I am fine.

He gave me a glare.

Taeyong: When i say no. I mean no. You can't and you won't. 

Nari: But-

Taeyong: When we find Jihee, Chenle and the Park boy we will need you fully functioning. I am not going to set you up for a dangerous mission just for that reason. Now shut up and leave.

I groaned but immediately turned and left. The only times Taeyong was this serious was when a situation intimidated him. And i completely understood, that's why my whiny bitch ass, shut up and followed his orders.

I came out with a slight pout and immediately faced a sweaty group. I pinched my nose and frowned.

Nari: Gosh you all stink.

They chuckled.

Mark: Why were you pouting?

Nari: Taeyong won't let me do anything.

Jaemin: It's for your own good-

Nari: yeah thanks Jaem. Totally approve of your support.

I gave him two thumbs ups to which he rolled his eyes.

Jaemin: Though i have to agree. You all really need a shower.

He said facing the group.

Jieun: Well you didn't train and you wouldn't know how tired we are, to the point we are lazy enough to not move, now will you Jaem?

Jaemin: No i wouldn't noona. But you all will feel better after a shower. And this place will stink less.

Nari: True that.

Jeno: Gosh fine we will go. 

He stood up first and started going towards the door.

Mark: Wait Jeno. We only have one bathroom on our floor.

Jeno: I know that hyung. That's why i called dibs.

He winked as some of us laughed. 

Mark: You are really reminding me of Nari.

He muttered but Jeno didn't bother and went out the door. I smiled and unconsciously just prayed that we find the three, cause it would be so much more fun with them as well.

 I smiled and unconsciously just prayed that we find the three, cause it would be so much more fun with them as well

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Epilogue coming right up your alley

Note: As i said earlier these are short books and it's a series. So i will continue the story in the next one :) I will just leave a cliff hanger in the next chapter.

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