Chapter 1: Vlogs and Very Tough Decisions

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Chapter {1} :Vlogs and Very Tough Decisions

Like the cover? Made it myself! :)

*NOTE: Taken place BEFORE homecoming!
A few little differences is in this book, but it wont stray from the main point.*

Sun-Hi's POV

"Good Morning Sun-Hi Nation! Sun-Hi speaking obviously and I want to tell you guys that Caleb is trying to get us an interview! I'm so excited! The Sun-Hi Nation will be as popular as ever now! Yay for XO-IQ!" I speak excitedly into my camera.

"Sun-Hi are you vlogging again? It's time for us to go to math class!" Jodi asks while rubbing her eyes.

"Got to go Sun-Hi nation! Math is calling my name and as much as I want to stay here so you can see my amazing face, I have to get good grades! Who cares if y=mx+b? I sure don't! Bye for now!"

"Great! You remembered an equation correctly!" Corki said happily as I turned off my camera.

"Yup. Remind me again why that will ever apply in my life again?" I say as I grab my backpack and walk out the door. Jodi closes the door as she and Corki leaves.

"I told you Sun-Hi! Math is something that will apply in not only school, but in real life opportunities such as job hunting, driving, buying items at the store..."
Corki went on, but I couldn't help but tune it out. Math wasn't going to be used in my life. Simple.

"Corki, no matter what you say, I just won't use math anyw-"

"Hey guys! Guess what? I heard that homecoming is coming up! Do you think Mr.Stark will let me DJ?" Caleb asks with hopeful eyes.

"Now you DJ'ing for homecoming would be great. Amazing. Super even. Wow. But you know how Mr.Stark is. He doesn't let anyone do anything." Jodi says with a nervous laugh. I wonder what that was about.

"True, but it doesn't hurt to try? Right Corki?" Caleb asks.

"Of course not! Preserver and try to accomplish goals others may seem to think is impossible!" Corki says with a smile on her face.

"Thanks Corki. I'll go ask him now! Hey Mr.Stark!" Caleb yells and runs over to him.

Jodi's POV

I sigh and shakes my head. Why does he always rely on Corki for reassurance? Am I not reassuring enough? Am I to tough on him? Am I-"
"Jodi? Why do you look so nervous? Is something on your mind?"

Sun-Hi says as we continue to walk to Math.

"What? Me? Something on my mind? Psh. I'm just thinking"

"Yes?" Corki asks

"My fashion designs! I've been working on some new ones and I'm thinking... They wont be good enough." Nice save Jodi!

"Oh Jodi! Your designs are always amazing!" Corki says happily.

"Yeah! They are as awesome as me and that's saying something!" Sun-Hi says while smiling.

"You're right! Thanks guys! You make life so much easier" I smile

We arrive at math with 2 minutes before the bell has to ring. I tell them that I have to get my math notebook out my locker and they say 'okay' as they walk into class.

When I look across the hallway, I see Caleb practically begging Mr.Stark to let him DJ at the homecoming dance.

I laugh a little and look down. I'm still wondering if I should ask Caleb to the dance.

Wait, if he DJ's at the dance, then I can't be his date! Ugh! I guess I won't ask him. Plus, I think he likes Corki. I might as well not even go!

With about 30 seconds until the bell ranged, I quickly grab my notebook and run into math class. I sit by Corki and get ready for a long boring math lesson.


No Jodi! Ask Caleb to the dance! :( He doesn't like Corki!

Hi everyone!

I love Make it Pop and decided to make a Fanfic since their isn't many! Thanks for reading.

Can someone force Nick to make Make it Pop longer than a month?


QOTD: Do you ship Jaleb/Codi?

I totally do!

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