#NatureGames part 3

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Tiny foot soldier: the final challenge has arrived! So far time "smns" is ahead, meanwhile team "smartass" is following closely behind. Many of you need to pull your weight around with points to Catch up. So for this challenge, we tally the rarity and weight of your bounty in the allotted time. Let the final challenge begin!

(The starting gun fires and a bald eagle drops dead)

Tiny foot soldier: huh... well... now the American bald eagle is the hunt to beat. Good luck!

(Everyone gets in thier vehicles and drive around the woods while we do the same)

Blitz: so, what are we after? Dragons? Dinosaurs? Nessie?

(I find a giant foot print)

Rick: oh that's nice

Blitz: huh, that's one big foot

(Me and Rick look at blitz)

Blitz: what? Oh

Me: we're gonna need some bait

(Trans, blitz is sitting on a tree stump while we are watching from a distance)

Blitz: hey! What exactly am I doing?

Me: just stand around there! Stick to the plan! And keep an eye out for the Bigfoot!

(I open a case that has my rifle gun in it)

Me: come to papa, my little beauty.

(I observe the other teams meanwhile team smns is watching us, Bigfoot approaches blitz from behind, I see it)

Me: distraction in 3... 2... 1... now!

(Rick pushes a detonator and triggers bombs to explode around the creature, and I take the shot and I hit its chest but it breaks the bullet)

Me: No! In this universe it's chest is bulletproof!

(Smns steals the kill by shooting it from behind, I get pissed and whip and a sword, the smns team leader does the same)

Rick: hey! Blitz stop!

Blitz: we can't let them get away with this shit!

Rick: and miss out on this fight?

Blitz: um... fair point.

(We clash swords for a bit when there was a loud boom sound, a even bigger Bigfoot comes out)

Smns leader: um... he did it!

Me: what!?

(The bigger Bigfoot roars and kicks smns out of here, and we make a run for the camping truck we rented, rick jumps inside, blitz hits the gas)

Me: blitz look out!

Blitz (screams)

(Blitz hits a member of another team)

Space marine: you're so dead! (He sees the giant Bigfoot behind them) uhh... like I said your so dead! See ya!

(Rick shoots it with his guns but the don't do anything)

Rick: this isn't good!

Blitz: holy crap! I can get out and run faster than this.

Me: blitz: put it in gear!

Blitz: I don't know how to drive a manual!

Me: go and shift the stick up one by one until you get to fourth!

Blitz: there's no numbers on this thing! All I know is stop and go and this thing ain't stopping!

Me: oh, just play with the damn thing!

(Blitz plays with the stick and comes to a stop and trips the giant Bigfoot, and we make a turn around, and he tries a tree at us)

Me: incoming!

(Blitz turns and dogged it)

Me: Rick! What's the strongest bomb you made?

Rick: I got it right here! But the detonator is broken on it! And it can barley fit in the gun!

Me: fine! I'll shoot it!

Rick: it won't launch, it will get jammed

(Rick pulls out a tube of anal lube, and gives it to me)

Blitz: Will this work?

Me: what the hell is this?!

Blitz: just use it!

(I give it to Rick)

Rick: what the hell is this!?

Me and blitz: just use it!

(Rick get the bomb in the gun)

Rick: locked and loaded, ready on your mark!

Me: keep it steady blitz!

Blitz: yeah, sure

(I pull out my rifle)

Me: get your arms up, you cunt! Now rick now!

(Rick shots the bomb and I hit it with my rifle bullet and blows up its head, we come to a stop and look at our new hunt)

Rick: we did it guys!

Blitz: we all did it!

(Trans, the bushmens challenge award, a staff member walks up to us with a case)

Tiny foot soldier: congratulations to team smartass! With thier incredible hunt and tally score across the board on all challenges, they are this year's champions! As promised: the rare electronium knife! Use it well.

(The staff member opens the case and I hold the knife)

Blitz: looks like you got your prize... congrats man.

Me: and yours... bragging rights

Rick: oh, looks like we're getting more then that.

( a staff member give us a giant one million dollar check)

Tiny foot soldier: and, the compensation pool for you to share.

Blitz: awesome!

Me: hell yeah!

(Rick opens a bottle of wine and poors it on us)

Me: yeah!

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