eight // justifying the overstepping of boundaries

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          "YOU TWO ARE so-o-o in love!!" Mirabel was singing and giggling her heart out as she walks alongside a freezing Isabela, the girl glaring and threatening to push her out of the umbrella as her youngest sister paid no mind. The curly haired girl had an arm around her despite the damp towel that hugged her shoulders, and the umbrella was shaking and spraying water everywhere as the two struggled to even reach Casita. "You two are so cute together!"

          "Okay, okay! Can you please just walk properly already?!" Isabela stumbled one more time before Mirabel finally got her shit together and led the way, not being able to fight off the snickers and barely contained squeals that threatened her self control.

          "What did you guys talk about?? What did you guys do?!" She gasped loudly amidst her fast talking, "Did you two kiss?!! Tell me everything, Isa!!"

          "Mi-ra-bel!" Dark skin grew darker with an undeniable blush as their house finally comes into view, holding the towel with one hand as she uses the other to slap across her mouth, muffled giggling tickling her palm and making the heat on her face grow hotter. "Did you?!"

          "We didn't!"

          "But you wanted to!!" She groaned a final time as she just decides to ditch her, Isabela sprinting out of the umbrella as Mirabel is left to chase after her with a surprised yelp. "Isa you're gonna get the towel wet!"

          "That's what towels are for!" She called over her shoulder before she was near enough for Casita to detach the main door to use as a roof for her, thanking the house before waltzing right inside and planning to head to her room.

          The rain was getting stronger again, and with a flick of her wrist Isabela had a gathering of plants to cover her head as she ascends the stairs. As soon as she was under a proper roof, her own makeshift version of it retreats back into the house, letting the rain slam down onto a yelping Mirabel who had no choice but to grip her umbrella tighter and continue to chase after her.

          "Isa, come on!! Tell me everything!!! I just wanna know!!!" She was quick enough to duck under the vines that shot out to try and stop her, sidestepping another as Isabela purposefully takes the long route turning corner after corner before finally arriving at her door. "There's nothing to tell!!"

          She all but kicks the door open and slams it close just as quickly, a flurry of vines wrapping to keep it shut as she stomped her way to go change. The plants turn to her in greeting as she did, each step springing cacti after cacti behind her as she fumed in embarrassment. Why did she have to stick her nose into everything?! You guys were just. . .messing around! It didn't have to mean anything!!
          She grumbled incoherent complaints as she blindly tossed the towel onto her couch and goes to enter the closed-off section where the rest of her clothes were. But she's caught off-guard when she hears the undeniable sounds of a surprised scream.
          "What the fuck Camilo?!" She hugged the folding screen close to her dripping self as she sees her cousin sprawled on her couch still in the clothes he used this morning, previously sleeping but now very much awake with the damp blue towel unceremoniously thrown to his face. "I should be asking you that," He had the audacity to say, tossing the towel to the floor before turning groggily to face the back of the light pink seat, "can't a guy just sleep in peace?"
          She stammers, knuckles going white as she gripped the edge of the wood tightly, "This is my room!"
          "You should learn to lock it, prima."
          "Fuck!" She can't stop herself from yelling in surprise—and even cursing for that matter. She really has lost her mind—once again even as she hears and recognizes Dolores' signature quiet voice, head whipping behind her to see the girl sitting on her vanity with her ears covered in anticipation. She removes them, squeaking with a small smile. "I heard everything." She pauses, blinking widely even in the somewhat dark of the room. Kind of like an owl. "Well, mostly rain. But I heard enough. You two should just kiss."
          "Is literally everybody inside here?!" She tries to ignore her cousin's insinuation even as her face burned and tingled in embarrassment, awkwardly gesturing for Dolores to get out as she shrugged. "Mostly everyone." She pauses again, and despite not having the girl's powers Isabela could still hear the undeniable sounds of her door somehow bursting open with a cheer. "Okay, now it's everyone."
          "How?!" With a flick of her wrist she sees her swing—a wooden board controlled by her vines—descend, reaching up and letting it lift her momentarily just enough to see Mirabel happily skipping towards where she was now with a nervous Luisa struggling to keep up behind her. Her vines has been pried open. She groaned as both her sisters see her before she descends once more.
          "Tell her what you told us, Dolores! Tell her, tell her, tell her!" Mirabel seemed to have ditched the umbrella as she approaches the gathering in excitement, barely being softly scolded by Luisa who didn't know if she should be this excited when she could sense Isabela quickly losing her patience from behind her folding screen. They reach the area as soon as Dolores was pushed out by a dark hand, before reaching over and pulling the screen shut tightly.
          . . .
          "Come on Dolores you gotta!—"
          Countless spiked vines snake up to further block them from coming in, as though the changing screen didn't already do that.
          . . .
          "She has to—"
          And a cactus for good measure.
          Isabela tried to ignore the sounds of complaint coming from her youngest sister outside, some whispered response from Dolores as she tries her best to change into drier clothes without getting embarrassed at their insinuation. Seriously what the hell did they know?! Can't friends play together in the rain?!
          "Not when they're both clearly crushing on each other and are both over the age of twenty!!" Apparently she had grumbled that out loud because Mirabel hollered out a response, flicking her wrist once before hearing a pop and then a yelp of surprise. "For the last time Mirabel I do not have a crush on her!"
          "She's listening! Quick, Dolores, tell her!!"
          "Mira, you shouldn't even have known about it." There was a sigh from Dolores as she softly scolds, "The only reason you found it is because Camilo got the best of me."
          "And I'd do it again. . !" There was a light slap, an an exaggerated but groggy 'ow!'.
          . . .
          . . .
          . . .
          "What should she not know?" Deciding that her curiosity had been piqued enough Isabela emerges from the privacy of her changing quarters, her old dress now on a vine quickly exiting to go dry outside while she was dressed in a comfortable light blue, similar to what her mother wears daily. The first thing she sees is Camilo on the couch now sat up but quickly still falling asleep, next to a stick-straight sitting Dolores. Luisa was on the one person sofa while Mirabel was bouncing around her like a hyperactive puppy.
          "Nothing." Dolores answers too quickly. "It's not important, you don't have to—"
          "Y/N'S GOING TO TRY AND ASK YOU OUT!! SHE SAID IT HERSELF!! SHE LITERALLY ADMITTED IT TO DOLORES!!! LIKE YESTERDAY!!! WHOOO!!!" It seems that Mirabel's excitement finally got the best of her and she just bursts at the seams, a dramatic gasp for air as though holding that secret in for too long had been such a heavy burden. She looked almost surprise that she had said that at all, while Dolores glared at her like a woman who wanted to kill. Their mediator had her face buried in her large hands as though she didn't want to be part of this conversation—or family, who knows—anymore, sat still like a rock as Mirabel continues to cheer and bounce around where she sat.
          . . .
          . . .
          . . .
          The second youngest of the family stops bouncing, blinking owlishly at the silent Isabela. "Isa? You good?"
          "I think you broke her." Camilo comments with full sarcasm, crossing his legs and arms as he leans back on the corner of the couch with an exaggerated shrug. "Get her some ice, that heat on her face might just kill her."
          . . .
          She slowly opens her mouth, and Dolores is quick to cover her ears.
          "She said WHAT?!"
          Isabela's voice reaches a shriek as her little outburst did the opposite of what she wanted, an even more excited holler from Mirabel who continued bouncing around again. "YES!! DOLORES SAID SHE TOLD HER WHEN THEY GARDENED, ISA, IT'S TRUE!! SHE LIKES YOU BA-A-A-ACK!!" Her laughing was getting more and more unhinged and maybe just bordered on maniacal as she at one point grabs ahold of the back of Luisa's chair and started jumping up and down, reaching heights they've never seen her reach before
          "DOLORES!" The girl squeaks as the girl is still yelling, hands still cupping her ears as she nods as though to tell her she was listening.
          . . .well she was always listening, it's quite hard not to, but that's not the point.
          "TELL ME SHE'S LYING!" Isabela had her hair gripped in her hands and pulling, eyes wide and in surprise as the dark red on her cheeks just got more opaque.
          "Nope." It's instead Camilo who answers her, one hand resting on the arm of the chair as he squishes his cheek into it with his signature cheeky grin. "Did a little trick," He waves his other hand and in a moment he took on your appearance, with the dress that you wore today. Isabela had to suck in a breath as her cousin continues, "said a few words, and she spilled that secret right out. Your little girlfriend promised that she'd be telling you how she felt one of these days, so I'd tell you to keep watch."
          It was weird seeing you talking with Camilo's voice but it still did the trick, a sort of yell of surprise from Isabela as she turns away from them and falls to the floor. Sort of. She was cradling her knees as she still held onto her hair, incoherent noises of protest being all that she could do as her sister never ceases yelling and hollering in celebration. There was a worried but hushed 'are you okay?!' from Luisa, to which she violently shook her head no.
          At this point Isabela has started tuning everybody out as they bickered or whatever, she wasn't exactly sure, because right now all she could hear in her head were screamings of both fear and excitement. Well fuck her there really wasn't much of a chance of her denying that stupid crush now. What the hell did they mean?? I mean she knew what they meant obviously but what does it mean?! And when?! What confession?!? Had she blanked out once and that was the moment you confessed your feelings?!!
          . . .wait no, no, no, they said you were about to confess. Okay great it hasn't happened yet.
          . . .
          "Oh my God I hate you all. . !" Now it was her turn to bury her face in her hands, letting out what seemed to be a sob as she shook her head again. Now she knows that any conversation with you won't be normal now, seeing as she has to pretend that she didn't know this. . .this forbidden information!
          There was always the choice to beat you to the chase, tell you how she felt before you could so that she could just kill that blasted feeling of worried anticipation.
          . . .
          "We shouldn't be dwelling this much in their personal lives. . !" Dolores scolded as Mirabel and Camilo excitedly talked of a set up date, multiple hushes to the woman as at one point the boy offers to disguise himself as Isabela and invite you himself. That was a suggestion Mirabel was quick to agree to, but conversation is cut short with a surprised yelp when Dolores approaches them both and pushes their heads down. Their hair was practically identical from this angle. She sighs. "Okay, this is getting out of hand.
          "Camilo, no disguises to fool either of them into this relationship. Mirabel, stop supporting him. You both should be ashamed that you're willing to go such lengths for a relationship that is for neither of you to decide."
          "Don't you want them together too?—OW!" She pushes Camilo's head further down with a sigh. "Yes, but not to the extent where I force them together. They're people, not dolls for you to play with and do as you please."
          "But she's hopeless!" Like she was a flopping fish the glasses-wearing girl manages to slip out of her cousin's hold, taking a moment to fix said glasses before rushing to Isabela and violently turning her around to face everyone else. "If we don't do it, they literally will never get together!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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