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Day 4.

"Do-yun, it's okay. They were probably just talking. The least you should be worrying about is him. We need to find a way to get through this together, okay?" Ji-soo tries to reassure Do-yun but it doesn't work. She was far too heartbroken to respond. It was a bad assumption to assume they were probably flirting, but they kissed. They were getting closer and closer by the day, she was going to get jealous if he spoke to someone else.

"But.. but I thought Yu-ri was my friend!"

"She is your friend! Have you even tried talking to her about it?"

"..." Do-yun stares at her friend. "No."

Ji-soo lets go of Do-yun. "Well, my advice is that you do talk to her and try to sort out what happened. You can even ask her what they talked about."

"Why would I ask? She would probably lie." She scoffs. "Is he even worth it?"

"If you want me to be brutally honest," Ji-soo sucks through her teeth. "No, he's not. The week I moved in before you, he was really cold and distant from everyone. He never talked to anyone and he kept to himself. He's a big red flag."

"I still need him." She sniffles. "You may not get it but I need him. He told me he trusted me and I trusted him. What if he lied? What if-"

"What if what? God, can we not worry about this? We're super close to getting our heads cut off." Ji-soo wraps her arms around Do-yun again.

Do-yun snuggled up against her friend. She was used to snuggling with her friends since her parents never had time to do it with her. She felt comfortable around Ji-soo. She knew she wouldn't let her get hurt.

"I can stay if you want?" Ji-soo says softly.

"Yeah, I want you to. You make everything easier, no matter how annoying you get." Do-yun giggles.

All of a sudden, a knock was heard at the door of Ji-soo's apartment. They looked at each other, then back at the door. Ji-soo stands up slowly and walks towards the door cautiously. The peephole still worked so she could look through there. It was none other than Sang-wook.

"Do you think you can talk to him right now?" She turns around slowly with an awkward smile on her face. Do-yun sighs and nods her head.

Ji-soo opens the door, and Sang-wook looks at her then at Do-yun.

"Touch her and I'll kill you." She mouthed. Sang-wook ignored her warning and shoved past her. He walked to the couch and stood in front of her, but Do-yun didn't care to look up.

"I think Jae-heon is calling me," Ji-soo says as she dashes out of the room, closing the door behind her.

"I want you to know I'll always be here for you. Whatever you need." He starts.

She ignored him. She hadn't realized how badly she'd fallen for him. She assumed it was just a small crush that she'd forget about but she was wrong. Even when she was annoying, he stayed. When she was hurt, he stayed. Even when she would completely ignore his word and go with her gut, he'd stay. The number of times she's almost killed herself trying to save others and he would stay. Just thinking about it caused her to start crying.

She lifted her knees and let her head fall, tears streaming down her cheeks and falling onto her clothes. She was silent about her crying, but her breathing became louder and much heavier. Sang-wook just stared at her. It was weird for him. He didn't know how to take care of people when they were sad so he patted her on the back.

He then wraps his arm around her, pulling her closer. "It's okay, I'm here."

She tried pushing him away but his grip on her was tight.

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