02. Awakening

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Chapter 2 is out! This chapter in my opinion was kinda poorly written, but thanks to my new editor/beta-reader, they have changed and edited some things! Hope you enjoy this chapter!

You and Midoriya hung out a lot after meeting each other. Your shared interests made easy conversation. You were both shy and socially awkward but communicated well.

You didn't understand how he saw that a quirk that could create holograms of Cocomelon characters could be useful and help you become a hero.

Rex, who you renamed Lapis because you found interest in the gemstone when your dad brought a piece home as a keepsake from his job as an archeologist, scared Midoriya whenever he accompanied you. He'd pop out of nowhere and the boy would scream and almost faint, so you made sure to give him a heads-up whenever he was coming. It's not like the T-rex meant any harm, the guy was a big teddy bear, to you at least.

Bakugou, on the other hand, was someone you disliked.

You only ever saw him at times when Midoriya would take you out to the forest with him and his little gang. He'd go on a rant about him being the best and having an amazing quirk and being the "number one hero, yadayadayada......." You found it extremely annoying. To top it off, he'd always be so rude to Midoriya for being quirkless and weak, calling him Deku specifically for that, the same thing went for you too.

Bakugou would repetitively call you and your quirk useless, to a point that you had to restrain yourself from insulting him back or punching him, not like you could anyway, his gang would get mad and your anxiety didn't allow you to risk everyone staring. You were weaker than the rest, hitting a boy with an explosion quirk would result in life-long burns.

You didn't see how Midoriya knew what he was like and still admired him. He was strong, and independent, but he was a bully, and only cared about winning and showing off. You decided to try and respect Midoriya's opinion though, not commenting on it.

Something that had happened over the next few months was that you were introduced to a new dinosaur, Velociraptors.

The bird-like dinosaurs were incredibly cool to you, and when you wanted to see something, you saw it. So, you used your quirk to produce an image of a grey and yellow velociraptor, with feathers covering its body and jutting out from below its arms to give it a more bird-like appearance. The animal was way taller than your dad, ranging at a height of 7.7 feet.

You named her Riff and had given her a pretty snarky personality, huffing when people said no to what she wanted and was pretty stuck up. It reminded you of Bakugou, but in a good way, as in, better personality-wise.

She was still nice and pretty protective to you, motherly even, guess it made sense since you were a child when you created her. Well, that and the fact that her real mom was always in two places; work, or the bar.

The way her first meeting went with both Bakugou and Midoriya though, changed your life in a way you never thought was possible.


The way it went was, you had been invited to the park by Midoriya so the both of you could play at the park and hangout, but due to something that had come up regarding your mothers work, you had to wait several minutes before you could go.

Eventually, she finished and you sat down in the back car seat, then your mother drove you off to the park to meet Midoriya.

Your mother stopped at the park and dropped you off, saying she would come back in a bit to watch you, then drove away. You stepped on the grass and looked around, spotting the top of the playground and walking towards it, excited to see your friend. You've had 'Friends' before, but they only hung out because of your quirk. Bakugou thought differently, but you presumed he only did so because that's how he was with everyone else.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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