An Adventure

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Hours Later

Engie sat in his chair, his eyes looking around at the unsure and rather uncomfortable look on everyone's face. Silence hung in the room, as it had for the past ten minutes. Nothing but a slight cough or squeaky chair interrupted the deafening silence. Realizing that this was going absolutely nowhere, Engie decided he'd have to be the one to start.

"So...anyone got any idea what we're gonna be doin' with the...kid..." Engie posed the question to the table, the eyes of each of his teammates turning to one another as if waiting for someone else to find an answer. That was until, finally, someone else continued the conversation.

"Well we can't keep ze child 'ere" Spy added, though it wasn't a very insightful addition. More so just groundwork to branch off of. However, it did gain Medics attention.

"Zen vhat do jou propose ve do? I don't suppose jou have anyvhere a vinged child could stay? And zat's not to add ze implication of zere clothing. Zey seem to be vanted and, if ve're to believe ze clothing, dangerous" Medic responded, an analytical tone held in his voice as he laid out what they knew, which wasn't very much. This response however earned Heavy's attention, his eyes turning towards Medic with a confused and rather weary stare.

"Does doktor think they should stay here?" Heavy questioned almost in full disbelief of what Medic had implied.

"Until vone is presented to me I don't believe zere is a better solution" Medic stated his point outright, earning a few different reactions from the men, almost none of them favorable, Engies least of all.

"Ya can't be serious doc. You forgettin' that we're in a warzone? That ain't a foot'a this place safe?" Engie countered, his face twisted into an incredulous look at what Medic had suggested. Medic didn't falter and was about to respond when-

"I THINK KEEPING THEM HERE IS A GOOD IDEA! WE CAN RAISE THEM LIKE A SOLDIER!" Soldier interjected, his opinion not warranted and certainly not liked.

"As far as we know zey are just a child! And we are guns for 'ire! Zere will be no rasing of any children 'ere!" Spy's voice cut through the room, quickly escalating the situation.

"How do we even know dey're a kid though-?" Scout's voice was immediately drowned out, not a single person looking to address his statement.

"So what's your suggestion spook? We find out where they came from and give 'em back? 'Cause wherever they came from didn't care too much for 'em." Sniper added rather calmly for the tension that was rising within the room. Demo was rather ticked by the comment though, most likely because it was said so calmly and with seemingly little care.

"And ye think the REDs will care if they're a kid or not? What do ye think is gonnae happen when one'a them sees them? I'll tell you what'll bloody happen! They'll be dead on sight! Have all of ye lads lost yer damn minds-!?" Demo, in the passion of his movements, knocked the bottle next to him, quickly sending it to the ground where upon it shattered into pieces. It was after this that yelling began to erupt from the table, no voice heard above another as the chaos truly began.

"Huts hung?" Pyro spoke as they turned to Engie, slightly tilting their head. Engie sighed, shaking his head before turning to the firebug.

"You don't have ta stay bud, Ah'll handle this" Engie spoke as he tried rub the stress from his already tired eyes.

"Just do me a favor, don't go messin' in the doc's room" He added, making sure they knew he was serious. Pyro, hating nothing more than a group of angry voices, quickly took the opportunity to leave. Even if they felt a little bad leaving Engie there. Once they were gone Engie turned back to the chaos, exhaustion from days of very little sleep along with last night's all-nighter now pulling at both his patience and his will to intervene.

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