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smut warning xx

So, it's 7:56 am. I'm in my room towel and change of clothes ready. I'm about to head into the bathroom. I'm supposed to meet with Chase again this morning.

If he didn't forget, that is.

I'm pretty sure he wouldn't forget, though. I have faith in him—for some reason, I trust him more than most. More than Del, but that might be because he can't run his mouth and embarrass me. Del, I trust—a lot—too. I dared to put myself in a vulnerable position with him. I guess I trust them on different scales. I can't compare the two.

I straighten out my room before going to the bathroom, Del is supposed to come over after practice today, so I want it to look nice. He hasn't stayed in my room; we always go to his.

I cross another page off on my calendar. End of this week, I'm going to New York with Del. I can't believe that's already coming up so soon. I haven't told my mom; she thinks I'll just chill in my room. She is not even aware of the fact that I have a boyfriend.

I will call her later.

I don't speak to my mom a lot anymore. I've just been so busy.

Between studying, hockey, parties, and my boyfriend, I don't find much time to talk to her, let alone my dad. Although, my dad has been bugging me about needing to go over to Spain for Christmas.

I could go to Spain, I'd love to see my dad, but it's in Europe. I'd need to cross the ocean for that. I can't exactly drive up there. At least for New York, Del and I will drive down there.

I need to focus on New York before even thinking about Spain. That's already big enough of a deal.

Del and I are expected to appear at a hockey party before we leave. It's some pre-thanksgiving thing before everyone goes off to their families.

I leave my room and make my way to the bathroom, it must be around eight right now, so I'm on time to meet Chase. A smile grows on my face. I cannot wait to sing some French songs with him. I took some French in high school, not that it ever stuck, but maybe it helps to understand some parts.

Right when I'm about to enter the bathroom, I hear knocking on the door, making me backtrack. I quickly open the front door, hoping to get rid of whoever it is so I can meet Chase.

Swinging the door open, I see Taylor standing there. He stands there with a smile on his face, meeting my confused gaze. I narrow my eyes out of confusion a bit—what the hell is he doing here at 8 in the morning?

"Hi Ki," he greets me with a wave before putting both hands back in the pocket of his sweat pants. It's obvious he hasn't been awake for long, not even had a shower before he came here.

"Uhm, hi Taylor, what are you doing here?" I question him.

"Well, I had a question," he pauses, and I see him shuffling on his feet. "so the other day, you were vibing to the music in my room, and I was wondering if you'd like to come to a concert with me?"

"A concert?"

"Yeah, to the Arctic Monkeys. I've had the tickets for a while. I'm not sure if it's your style, but you seemed to know the songs when we shot the ID pictures. So if you'd like to come, that would be great—otherwise, I'll ask one of the boys."

"Well, I'd like to..." I think about how I can turn him down nicely. I'm in a relationship with one of his mates, "...but I'm not sure if Del would like that. I know there are some tensions between you, so I fear it will only get worse. Del will definitely get jealous, that's for sure."

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