3. Traveler Temporarily Not Homeless [Alt. Title: Wisteria House]

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《○new chapter [3]○》

The only sounds that could be heard by the group of three was the ambient sound of the forest, plus the crunching of the dirt underneath their feet and the quiet twinkling that had always accompanied Paimon's floating movements [that Traveler had, for her own sake, learned to drown out. It's now nothing but background fuzz for her].

It had been a while since they had departed from the mansion. Of course, they probably would've covered more ground by now if Paimon hadn't decided that she just had to come up with a half an hour long rant just because she was called "weird" or whatever by Daisuke. It didn't help that he had insisted on responding back to her complaints, efficiently starting a back and forth "insult fight" between the two of them.

Knowing the small sprite [and Daisuke, despite only meeting him today], it would've gone on for longer if she hadn't intervened.

"If you guys keep arguing, I'm just going to leave you both." Her words cut through the heated debate the other two of the trio were having, causing them to look over at Traveler incredulously.

She set her hands on her hips, an unamused look gracing her face. To show that she was dead serious, Traveler had started to depart from the two of them, not stopping nor looking behind her as her other two started telling her to wait up.

But Traveler digresses.

By now, it wouldn't be too long until the blue skies turned a pretty orange, and then into a deep blue. And that would be bad, if her understanding of this world was correct. Which had only meant one thing - wherever they were going, they'd have to get there quickly.

Traveler glanced over at Daisuke, who seemed to be lost in thought. Whatever he was thinking about, the outlander wasn't exactly sure. It's not like she didn't have any ideas of what could be running around in his head, considering all that has happened these past few hours. But if he didn't seem like he had something to say, she'd let him think in peace.

Paimon didn't seem to share that same sentiment. The small pixie inquired about what Daisuke was thinking about, breaking him out of his train of thought with a blink and a quiet 'Ah'. He scritched at his nape. "Just... Thinking about today's events, and.. Going home."

While that was partially the truth, the Traveler had also occupied his mind, along with her pixie friend. Outwardly, he seemed to have accepted their existence. After all, he had lived in a world where Demons existed, so it's not like their little "quirks" were too unbelievable. But even so, they were sort of... weird.

Of course, he didn't think they were weird in a bad sense. After all, if not for them, he would've been oni food. Rather, he thought they were weird in an outlandish sort of way. What even were they?

..But was it even that important to know?

Sure, he was curious and knowing the answer would feed that feeling, but in the grand scheme of things, knowing what they were all about wasn't all that needed. Having said that, though, he still couldn't help but be curious about them, especially Traveler.

Ah, well. He'd keep his questions to himself. After all, they were sort of invasive for someone who had just met them today.

Paimon was satisfied with his answer, giving the black haired boy a simple nod in return. Traveler seemed a little more skeptical, looking over at Daisuke with a raised eyebrow. When Daisuke locked eyes with Traveler, he inhaled softly, breaking eye contact with a flushed face. Traveler hummed, shrugging her shoulders before facing forward once again.

Yet again, only forest sounds were heard from the trio as they continued on their trek.

"Um.. Hey,"

Nevermind, then.

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