Chapter 7

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I had just helped Sapnap with Karl that day. I was walking back to the forest again when I saw it. It was Wilbur and Quackity, except this time, Wilbur looked...alive? He had the exact same streak of white in his hair that Tommy did. I didn't want to completely jump to conclusions, so I went looking for Tommy for some answers.

When I did find Tommy, he told me how Ghostbur went to the prison and Tommy had followed him. Dream tried to get out of the prison, so Sam did a lock down and only dragged Tommy out, leaving Ghostbur with Dream. As a result of that, he got revived, and was now this crazy person that Tommy didn't even recognize to be his brother anymore.

I was more than pissed with Dream, so I went to the prison to have a few words with him. To confront him. To say I was in disbelief to what was said would be an understatement.

Dream told me how he'd brought Wilbur back as his puppet. Wilbur praised the ground Dream walked on now, referring to Dream as his "creator he owes his life to." I didn't believe it for a second, so I stormed out and decided to do some investigating. I followed Wilbur around in secret for a whole day and discovered that...Dream was right... Every time Tommy said something about what Dream did in the past, or why he was in prison and deserved it, Wilbur went on a whole rant saying the complete opposite. It was like he couldn't remember anything Dream had put them all through. I was even more upset to watch Wilbur flirting with Quackity. Luckily, Quackity wasn't interested in Wilbur, and only tolerated him because Quackity respected Tommy.

The whole thing shocked me. I had so many feelings about the situation that by the time I finally reached my bed in the forest, I had collapsed into a sleep that lasted a whole three days. I couldn't let it keep affecting me though. I had to focus on my brother. Still, whenever Wilbur ended up in eyeshot and I saw what he'd become, my heart would break all over again...

"Karl? Karl!"

I could hear Karl's name being called in the distance. Sapnap was looking for him again... I got up from my bed and went to where I was hearing Sapnap's voice. When I got to him, Sapnap looked like a mess... He was basically ready to cry at any moment, and was heaving like he'd been running around all morning. He had this panicked expression like something had gone horribly wrong...

"Sapnap? What's going on? Is everything okay? Where's Karl?" I asked Sapnap, who then turned to me and started to cry.

"George, I can't find him anywhere! I've been looking all morning! This is my fault...he left because of me.." Sapnap said, looking down in guilt.

"This morning, when Karl and I were just talking, we got into this huge fight over...I don't even know what anymore, and then he took his book and teleported out of the house! I've been trying to find him since then, but I haven't been able to find him, and everyone else said they hadn't seen him since yesterday! George, I don't know what to do!" Sapnap was having a panic attack at this point, so I told him to calm down and that we'd split up to find him.

We both went our separate ways to look for Karl, and luckily I finally found him. It only took me two hours, but still. He was arguing with Quackity when I found him though... What seriously bad timing.. I went over to Karl and tired to talk to him, but I very quickly realized that Karl's memory...was completely gone.

"Karl, there you are! Sapnap and I have been looking for you everywhere—" I was cut off with him sharply slapping my hand away.

"Who are you? Who's Sapnap? Who's Karl?! Go away!" Karl said, fear clearly written all over his face.

" your name. You are Karl. I'm George, your brother. Sapnap is your fiancé... This man here is Quackity. He's your ex-fiancé." Karl was listening, but I could tell he was still freaking out. I would be too in his situation. Quackity on the other hand was confused and becoming increasingly concerned. In that moment of trying to calm Karl down and explain everything to him, I had completely forgotten that Quackity didn't know about any of this. Guess Quackity was finally gonna learn the truth after all this time..

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