🐺|Chapter 57|🐺

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Jimin sighed as he took the cloth soaked in water and brushed it over his younger sisters wounds, watching her wince in pain. The omega frowned and looked away to the bucket and then back up at her, "I'm sorry... you shouldn't of had to go through that at such a young age, I'm sorry that this happened to you because of Jeongguk and me..."

Minji shook her head, "it wasn't your fault, Jiminie..." she breathed out softly and her expression turned to a saddened one, "it wasn't your fault. You know... "Heart ache to heart ache... war was never the answer. It was truly all our fathers fault. He chose battle when he could've stopped himself and thought about the fact we were his children." The omega was saddened to hear this, but she was right. Their father was never truly a father. He had them just to add to his bloodline, he never cared. That was truly proven too.

"Ouch," Minji bit her bottom lip, a stinging in her side where her brother was gently washing the wound. The omega sighed and got a bit gentler. He was already being as gentle as possible, but that was able to be lightened up by a little. "I'm sorry," he quietly whispered out, setting the cloth down after managing to get it cleaned and disinfected. The little beta sucked in a breath as her brother grabbed the bandaging tape and a few of the medical bandages and he quickly fixed one around her waist and then applied more to the wound and got all of it bandaged.

Finally the silence was broken with the raspy tone of the younger, "where's your alpha?" Jimin shrugged, placing the bandages away, "with Ian, he's being cared for there." Minji nodded, shifting a bit to get onto her feet while her brother turned and set the bucket of clean water to the side alongside with the cloth. Jimin went to tell her to be careful but deemed it useless as she never listened before.

He watched her get up and helped her, stopping and making eye contact. She smiled and he did too before he spoke in a warm tone, "you've grown so much. You're so strong for your age..." Minji smiled, "thanks... I had an awesome role model growing up." The omega saddened a bit, feeling guilty he couldn't care for her all her childhood because of the camp she went too, but Minji understood this. She didn't hold it against him and actually thanked him for it.

Before anything else was said someone peeked in—"hello?" The two looked up and saw it was Ian, "hey-" "-he's ready if you wanna come see him." He cut the beta off but she didn't mind and nodded, stumbling her way out of the tent. Jimin sighed and folded his arms, rolling his eyes but he giggled quietly and followed. He was quite happy both his sister and his lover made it out alive, more then happy about that.

They reached the other infirmary tent and made their way in. Jimin was first and he instantly ran up to the alpha, but he gently hugged him, well aware of the injuries his mate held. Jeongguk hugged him back, the two holding each other for a few minutes, embracing each others emotions and in all honesty, they were scenting each other—due to the war having caused their scents to weaken, making it almost impossible to recognize each others scents unless they were close—like face to face close.

"I missed you so much..." the omega chuckled quietly, slowly laying the alpha back down on the medical bed, "it's only been a day my lovely." Jeongguk huffed out in disagreement but it made Jimin giggle again and he fixed the pillow his lover was using. He fluffed it up a bit and placed it back down and Jeongguk laid back down on it. Before anyone else spoke Minji cut in, placing her hands on the side of the infirmary bed and she smiled at the alpha, "hey there." Jeongguk looked back at her and just grinned, "you really grew up, huh?" She rolled her eyes playfully but chuckled, "I guess I did. You did too though."

Jeongguk couldn't even disagree. She was right.

"Thanks... you know, for saving my life and all." He slyly said and Minji just smirked and shrugged, "I would do it again. Just another day." She poked, watching him try not to laugh. She couldn't help it, he was her brother in law too, so of course she gets to poke some fun at him.

"You know," she started, looking at him, "these places... all of the villages... everything... now belong to you and Jiminie. That's a big accomplishment you know." The alpha hummed in agreement, placing his arms behind his head as he thought to himself—"and I'm going to turn it around... nobody is going to suffer anymore." The beta nodded in agreement, turning her attention to her brother who was staring blankly at the wall of the tent. He must be thinking hardly about something.

Nonetheless she didn't push on about it, shaking her head and then snapped her attention back to the alpha, "you promise?" He grinned and hummed, having set plans for all the villages already. He was not going to be like Jimin and Minji's father, no, he's going to turn it around so everybody was played fairly. Nobody was left in the dust and nobody is going to be beaten or abandoned. He won't let it happen.

"I promise."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐈 𝐖𝐚𝐬 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐨Where stories live. Discover now