🐺|Chapter 3|🐺

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Jimin sat in the café, straw in his mouth as he sipped the mocha frappachino silently and watched Minji struggle with a game on his phone. He knew she was struggling because her eyebrows would furrow and the young betas face would scrunch.

"Hey, baby," Minji looked up- "yes?" Jimin smiled, "do you want a cake pop?" Minji's eyes lit up. This would be her fifth cake pop. And that's rare to her because Jimin usually only let's her get two or three.

Minji hummed and Jimin chuckled, getting off the seat and ruffling her hair, "alright angel. I'll be right back," Jimin walked off to the counter and saw the boy with his white hat on, covering his face as he slumped against the counter and was in pure boredom.

"Hey, can I get a cakep- OH MY GOD JEONGGUK-" the male shot up and a growl rumbled out from deep within his chest. Jimin regretted saying it like that and saying it that loud because now everybody was staring.

"Excuse me? do I know you omega?" Jimin scrunched up his face. Of course Jeongguk's going to play that do I know you card. Jimin doesn't blame him, though. Jimin would've, too... but Jimin made it plain as day that he knows Jeongguk.

Jimin fumbled with his words, "oh um... I- I'm so sorry... yeah, you do know me... we- we met at the bar..." The alpha cocked up his eyebrow and leaned his hands on the counter, sliding his body forward, more intimidating.

"Doesn't ring a bell, sorry." Jimin swallowed and sighed- "Taehyung, you know him and so do I... I met you at the bar through Taehyung." Jimin isn't going to mention what happened because he's trying to forget it himself.

The alphas face darkened and Jimin smelt the thickness of his scent. Pine and a free wilderness kind of scent. It honestly made Jimin a little submissive but he's not going to drop to his knees for an alpha he hardly knows. Plus, he's pregnant so he doesn't need anymore issues.

"You are Jimin, Park Jimin?" Jimin's eyes widened. Jeongguk does remember him. "I- yes, I am. I'm Taehyung's omega friend." Jeongguk licked his lips subconsciously, "ah... I remember you."

Jimin clicked his heels together and nodded, "yeah that's great... can I please get a cake pop?" he wants to get Minji's cake pop and get the hell out of here. Jeongguk grinned, "you want only one?"

Jimin knew he should've skipped out on asking but felt generous today. He heard a slight whine and he knew it was Minji because of the squeakiness and softness of it.

"I uh- yeah. I only want one. I only need one for Minji," he claimed, pulling out his wallet. Jeongguk shook his head, "this ones on me. I owe you for... you know." Jimin blinked but then got it.


Jeongguk remembers everything, too.

Jimin nodded and quickly thanked him. "Thank you, I appreciate it. But we're all cool now, I can forgive." Jimin declared, tipping forward with a warm smile on his face.

Before the alpha could speak another alpha came out, this time female, and smiled at Jimin but quickly glared down Jeongguk. "Guk, we have six people complaining about your scent. Gosh man-"

Jeongguk held up his hand- "I'm sorry alright? I'll clean myself later... again." Jimin quietly giggled. He's heard of alphas stinking up places but he personally and honestly doesn't think Jeongguk smells too bad

The omega stared back and Jeongguk once the female alpha said something about a iced mocha and a cupcake and walked away. Jeongguk sighed, "I'm sorry you had to hear that. My sister can be a- a pill sometimes."

Jimin snorted, "it's fine. I have sisters of my own. But thanks again," Jimin grabbed the little bag the cake pop comes in and bowed- "I must be going now, though. Minji is impatient."

Jeongguk nodded and waved as they left.

Jimin was never so happy to leave somewhere before... but he forgot to tell Jeongguk when he had the chance.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐈 𝐖𝐚𝐬 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐨Where stories live. Discover now