The prank (1)

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Seungmin woke up one day with a great idea so he went to go tell all the members except Chan, he told them that he should pretend he got kidnapped, " the security guards are on board with the plan" seungmin said, " hyung I don't think this is a good idea" I.n said, " I think this would be a great idea" lee know said, " I think this could test his loyalty if he cares he's loyal if not he's not loyal" the talking squirrel said, " what exactly is the plan here?" Changbin said, " I'll go on a walk to the cafe and wait for them to pick me up then we'll drive back to the dorms" seungmin continued to explain

Seungmin pov
" so that's the plan!" I said everyone seemed to agree with me on this except i.n, but soon he got on board with the plan, I went to go change in my room and go on a walk so I quickly changed and walked back to the kitchen, I told the members and security guards I was leaving for my walk so I left.

I.n pov
" guys are we sure he'll care about him?" I said, "stop worrying honey he'll care I know he will" hyunjin said, I walked to my room and I waited for seungmin, but he never came back.

Chan pov
I woke up and looked at the clock it said it was 2:00 pm so I got up and changed into my normal everyday clothes, I went downstairs to see everyone but seungmin, "hey where's seungmin?" I asked "oh, he went for a walk" lee know said " did he go by himself?" I asked lee know nodded yes, I stood in shock " he went out by himSELF?" I asked, felix noded yes, " did he at least take some bodyguards with him?" I asked, the talking squirrel said " nope he went by himself but he should be back in like 20 minutes" I took a deep breath and sat on the couch

2 hours later
I.n pov
" hey Chan have you seen seungmin he was supposed to be back like 2 hours ago" I asked Chan, he said "well it's his fault if he got murderd" [ I know this isn't what chan would say but he's ooc in this story so just bear with me on this anyway continue] I stood frozen and I looked at the window and I saw a figure move and I knew it was seungmin, he must've been heartbroken that his partner would say that, " well I'll be right back" and I bolted outside, seungmin nowhere to be seen, so I went around the building and to my surprise I found seungmin siting there with his knees to his chest and him rocking himself to calm down.

I walked over to him and sat infront of him and I hugged him, he was making my sweater wet but I didn't care as long as he was safe in my arms " hyung I'm so so sorry you had to hear that" I said and I brought him on my lap [ they are like brothers so no weird stuff going on man] he put his arms under my armpits and his legs wrapped around my waist " w-why would h-he say that?" The crying puppy like boy said "I don't know why he would say that" I said as I was making circles on his back and patting his hair.

" thanks for c-calming me down a b-bit" he said as he dug his head more into my neck "your welcome hyung" suddenly he fell asleep so I stood up and brought him inside the house and Chan looked at us weirdly but I ignored him and I took him to our room [ I.n and seungmin share a room and felix and Han share a room changbin and Chan share a room and lee know and hyunin share a room in the story just so you knew] I laid him on his bed and I got changed and went to my bed and slept.

Chan pov
Why did he bolt like that? Eh idk I'm just gonna sit back and watch some Tv right as I thought that, I heard hyunjin walk out if his and lee knows room holding two plates not even sparing a glance at me " so? How was your day?" I said and he just walked away not looking at me,my phone rung so I answered it and it was felix " hey felix" " oh s**t wrong number sorry I meant to call my mom sorry about that" " it's fine" bye hyung" "bye felix" and he hung up, what was that? Idek at this point, and I was walking to my room when I heard seungmin whimper when I walked by his room, so I looked and it was like he was having a night mare but of of what?

I walk into his and I.ns room and he looked scared so I sat next to him and patted his head he seamed more scared than before so I took a closer look and he had a scar on his face but no one would see it cuz it hid behind his hair I was guessing he got it fro- *flash back*

"Your so useless seungmin you should've never came here" and before he knew it his head got hit with a glass bottle of wine and It broke and his hands were covered in glass his fore head was covered in glass to, seungmin looked so scared and so did Han but Chan was being held back by lee know while I.n ran to seungmin [felix and changbin weren't there] "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO YOUR OWN PARTNER CHAN?!?!?" I.n shouted *end of flashback*

"I-I'm the reason for this?" "Was I drunk?" Seungmin groaned in his sleep, I just stared at him shocked, am I really a bad boyfriend to him?

Hello this is the first part to backstabber hope you all enjoyed this I will be posting another part very soon like maybe tomorrow idk

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