Chater one : the crush

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||I just know this story isn't going to be good
:) ||

*its 11:26 for tommy*
Tommy: "welcome to the stream boys!"
Tommy:" are we have good days chat?"
*his chat gives him yes and no*
Tommy: "I have school in the morning, so the stream is gonna be short"
*chat gives his aw's and sad faces*
Tommy: " well anyways, i planed out that after lore we could do a little reacting to SAD-ist"
*his chat agrees*
Tommy: i think Wilbur will join us reac-
|He gets interrupted|
Chat donation: hello tommy, it's my birthday and I was wondering when you will stream with timedeo
Tommy: "oh uh- deo has been busy, and we haven't talked in a while, so I don't know"
[ Tommy's pov ]
Timedeo, huh.. I mean I could maybe I can do a surprise stream with Deo..

-Wilbur is in Tommy's room-
Tommy: "well have a good day or night chat"
Wilbur: "bye chat"
|Tommy ends stream|
Tommy: "hey Wilbur"
Wilbur: "hum?"
Tommy: " do you still remember Deo?"
|Wilbur answers in a angry tone|
Wilbur: "what does deo need that is so important?"
Tommy: " I was wondering if I could a QnA with him,so I was wondering you could join us?"
Wilbur: "thanks but I'll pass"
-Wilbur leaves Tommy's room-
Tommy thoughts: I'm just going on smpEarth..
[Tommyinnit has join the server]
Tommy: ok I just need-
•he sees that Deo is in the server•
Tommyinnit| deo vc2
Tommyinnit| deo vc2
Tommyinnit| deo vc2
Tommyinnit| deo vc2
[Tommy spams chat]
Timedeo| ok,ok calm down
Tommy: "hi deo"
Deo: "hello tommy"
Tommy: "I kinda have a idea for my next stream"
Deo: "what is it?"
Tommy: " you and me do a QnA!"
Deo chuckles
Deo: "sure"
Tommy thoughts: why was that cute..?
Tommy thoughts: just ignore it..
Deo: "Tommy"
Tommy: "y-yeah?"
Deo: "d-do you ever think of meeting up?"
Tommy thoughts: meeting up...?
Tommy: " well not that you mentioned it,yeah"
Deo: " how about we meet...?
Tommy: I- U-hm sure..
Tommy: w-where though?
Deo: "coffee shop near the park?"
Tommy: "2:30 good?"
Deo: "yeah"
With Wilbur
Wilbur's thoughts: the coffee shop you say...
Wilbur thoughts : have to tell techno..
[Back with Tommy]
Tommy: "deo?"
Deo: yes sunshine
Tommy: "don't call me that,and I got school in the morning so I got to leave"
Deo: "oh alright sunshine"
Tommy: " Deo!"
Deo: "what"
[Tommy pouts]
Deo: "aw is sunshine mad"
Tommy: "maybe.."
[Deo laughs]
•Tommy's thoughts•
Tommy: why I'm i blushing-
Tommy:his laugh..
Tommy:do I have a crush on deo...?
Deo: "Tommy!"
Tommy: "oh- uh sorry I zoned out"
Deo: "it's ok sunshine"
Tommy: "oh shut up Santa"
Deo: "rude"
Tommy: "well- see you in the morning"
Deo: "bye sunshine"

||469 words

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