Chapter two: the meet up

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Tommy's pov:
Tommy: I can't believe I'm meeting Deo!
Tommy: but I still don't believe that I have- a crush on him..
Tommy:ok- I need to stop thinking of that
*a message pops up on his phone
Deo: morning sunshine
*Read at 12:37*
Tommy: "morning deo"
Deo:"you ready?"
Tommy: "huh?"
*Deo chuckles*
Deo: "did you forget already?"
Tommy: " maybe?"
Deo: "we're meeting up,and going to he coffee shop near the park"
Tommy: "ohhh yeah"
Deo: it's already 12:40"
Tommy:" then bye I have to get dressed"

*With techno and Wilbur*😩
Techno: "so he's going out with Deo?"
Wilbur: "yes, for the last 2639 million time!"
Techno: "oh ok, tell him to stay safe"
Wilbur: "HAH?!"
Wilbur thoughts: does he even care that his baby brother is going on a date?!

*Technoblade yelling in the kitchen*
Techno: don't you dare even think about going and spying on them
Wilbur thoughts: thanks techno for the idea...

With Tommy
Tommy thoughts: I do think that the black riped jeans and blue sweater wo-
*Techno opens the door*
Techno: tell me when your date is done so I could put you up
Tommy's thoughts: DATE?!
Tommy: "no no no, you got the wrong idea
Tommy: "we're just meeting up"
Techno: "ah ,because Wilbur said "date"
Tommy: "oh anyways, does this outf"
Techno: "I don't care"
*Technoblade leaves the room*
Tommy: I guess im going with this outfit

*He showers and gets dressed*


Tommy: oh it's 1:46
Tommy thoughts: oh shit I'm going to be late

[time skip, in the car]
Tommy:" thanks tech for talking me"
Techno: "I had to take you, Philza on vacation for a few weeks"
Tommy:" well bye"
Techno: stay safe

At the cafe
Tommy's thoughts: whe-
Deo: hey sunshine
Tommys & deo's thoughts: he's cuter then I imagined..

[ I'm fucking tired so ima making a new chapter in a few days 😒]
(331 words)

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