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So this is another thing that happened at my old house.

My grandma Sherly was in the hospital. I saw her a day before her death. She died either the day we visited or the next day I don't remember. But the night of her death...things got strange....

It was just a normal day. We went to see my grandma Sherly at the hospital. Me being the dumb kid I was begged to go see her. My mom at first thought it was a bad idea because of how young I was and you know kids get upset seeing someone their loved ones in the hospital. But after a while of begging to go she allowed me to go. When we got there my aunt and cousin were there. Me and my cousin were close at the time. We were upset about grandma Sherly being sick. I thought she was going to survive but I was wrong.

We left after a few hours. When we got home my mom got a call. Grandma Sherly had passed away that very night... me and my mom cried our eyes out. I was close to her despite her weird obsession with dolls (it was weird she always had dolls all over her living room whenever my family came to visit her). After my brother got us to calm down the three of us went to bed. My dad and grandma (not grandma sherly, this grandma is from my mom's side of the family while grandma Sherly is from my dad's side) were at their jobs. At first it was a peaceful sleep. Until....I was woken up by a tapping on my window.

I heard a voice whisper... "let me in let me in I'm ready to go..." It sent shivers down my spine. I was too scared to sleep. I immediately went to my mom's room when my brother opened his bedroom door and my mom opened her room door. He asked the two of us if we also heard the voice. All of us heard it... After calming down we went back to bed. The next morning we told my dad about it. The weird thing was that it happened the night grandma Sherly died... So this is my question... Was that really grandma Sherly's spirit, was it a evil spirit or...was it a demon trying to trick us? I don't know who it was and I still remember it til this day...

So this was the most creepiest thing that happened to me as a child. It still scares me. I don't know whether it was grandma Sherly's spirit or an evil spirit or worse...a demon. I'm actually glad I didn't open the window neither did my mom or brother. I'm still bothered by it. I'm quite glad me and my family no longer live in the trailer that this happened in.

Have a good day/night

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