[2]Outside World

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[Two]: ~Outside World

After convincing my brother, finally He agreed but with one deal, I promised him to tell everyday what I'm doing, and let him call every twelve midnight, He promised not to tell anyone where I am

Now, its morning, need to go to school, I have enough money to rent a small apartment and feed my self, instead of going to school, I decided to find first a small apartment for my self, I'm using the motor cycle of my brother, he let me used it
After a long way journey, I finally found a room, it is small, and it is the last one available here, this room is in 10th floor, the highest part of the building, the color of the room is pale and old yellow, a small old bed in the left side, a small old TV on the other side, small old table and chair in the middle, also the kitchen were small near in the bathroom, everything was too small and old but that's enough, and this apartment is located somewhere in New York, not too far from my school but a quite far from my father's house
Its already one thirty in the afternoon, I haven't eat yet, I open a can of sardine, I feed my self using a knife cause I forgot to bring my own spoon, after eating, I lay my tired body in the bed and close my eyes, starting to fall a sleep

I see my Dad burning all of my Mom's pictures, our Mom's memories, this time I won't let him do this! Not my Mom! Not anymore, all this time I let him do what he wants, to follow his commands, but now! As long as I know I'm in the right place, I'll fight

"Dad? Stop doing that! Stop burning all of my Mom's pictures"
He just keep going, keep ignoring me

I pull his arms away from the picture in the table
He look at me

"Why are you doing this"
I said accusingly

" this is for your own good"
He said coldly

"For my own what?, to forget Mom?" I chuckle
"Maybe for YOUR OWN GOOD, its easy for you to forget someone anyway, you just left them alone even if they really need your care, your love! Every single day when I woke, I Wonder why my Dad never care us, why my Dad is very busy doing his work instead of making time with us? Is my Dad don't love us anymore?"

He said coldly not looking in my eyes, tears starting to fall from my eyes one by one

"Everyday I'm still waiting for the time that you will help me do my homeworks like He always did before, but it seems like his stupid job--"

"I said Enough!!"
He said cutting my words
Suddenly, I feel the hand of my father in my face, he slap me, I'm in shock in that moment, due to the fact that Dad never slaped me before, my tears never stop falling

"Dad enough!!"
I here Natethan's voice in my back

"No! I will never stop! I will never stop asking why my father left us alone! I won't stop in every minute of the rest of my life!, I won't stop!" I cried

"I never leave you"
He said coldly
I run off and go to my room.

Ringing wake me up, it was only a dream but I considered it a nightmare, it was too dark so I open the lights and look who's calling, it was Nate, I look in my watch,
"what??? Its already 12 mid night!
I sleep almost 10 hours but my eyes still sleepy??"
I answer the phone

"Hey, how was your day outside??"
My brother ask.

A/N: soon you'll find out why her Dad doing all of this....
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