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"Chiffon..." Red Velvet gave a sigh, trying desperately to avoid the hound's gaze. "I will take you next time, alright? Herb said that rain was likely. I do not want you out so far when there's rain."

A twinge of guilt resounded in his heart. He had always been known to love his cake hounds and have a soft spot for them despite their standings in the army. A creature was not its skills, not its brutality. It was not whether or not it was useful. It was another life, another gift from the stars.

So, naturally, he loved to spoil them when he could. It was one of his few weaknesses, especially coming to light when he had to leave the dear hounds behind and pretend it didn't bother him. What kind of servant was he..? In all seriousness, a damn good one when his heart didn't get in the way.

"I must bid you farewell. I shall be back by tonight." He ruffled Chiffon's fur with his cake arm, breath nearly hitching as he stepped back. "I am putting my faith into you. Guard this tower well. I shall not leave you for long."

"You speak as if they are in danger." The foreign voice startled Red Velvet, causing him to reach for his blade. It only sunk in after that the voice was familiar, a bit shameful even to not recognize.

"Dark Choco," he sighed, turning to face him. Chiffon was staring him down, looking hesitant. He followed Red Velvet's movements alone. No amount of spoiling could cause him to forget his position. "A surprise."

In truth, Dark Choco had been about the only person underneath Dark Enchantress that Red Velvet had spoken to more than a few times. He 'frequently' visited the tower— well, at least by Red Velvet's standards. He saw him maybe a few times a year at best.

"I came to deliver this." Shuffling around his cape– wait, it had pockets?- he produced a note within a glittery purple envelope. He could see the front from the way Dark Choco held it, silently curious about its contents. "What did you do?"

Red Velvet


"Licorice," Red Velvet sighed once more, snatching the note bitterly without thanks. "Delivering notes for him? Have you no duties, Dark Choco?"

"Not today."

"Must be boring." Red Velvet scanned over the note he'd haphazardly opened with one of his massive claws. Taking note of the way Dark Choco seemed to be staring at the tower behind them, he decided he'd entertain.

"'Un-dearest Red Velvet, close off the tower when you leave. One of your hounds got out and pissed all over my cloaks. It chased Poison Mushroom throughout the castle, which they didn't understand was dangerous. I had to wrench it off from their hat.' So it is a hat?" Red Velvet raised an eyebrow, expression still otherwise neutral.

"I.. didn't know that, either."

"'Also,'" he continued, squinting to read the handwriting that got messier with the necromancer's wrath. "'I'm not afraid to curse you. If you like your cake arm that much, I'll give your head the same stripes. Control your hounds.'"

"Sounds upset."

"I am surprised he did not come to berate me himself. Why send you? More importantly, why go along with it?" Eyeing one of the torches along the path, Red Velvet crumpled up the paper. He tossed it in the direction of it, watching it burst into flames and disappear into nothing.

"He didn't." Dark Choco's face was as empty-looking as usual, but something in his shoulders spelled that the act was out of spite. "I found it and figured I'd skip the middleman and deliver it. Does this kindness streak suit me?"

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