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"So you and Y/n?" Sero asked


"Come on!! You don't need to hide it from us, we are very trustable people!" Kaminari looked at the others and they all nodded in agreement in which Bakugou just rolled his eyes because he knew that they weren't the very trustable people around.

"Why the hell would you think that?!" Bakugou asked

"The way you look at her, the way you're always around with her and did you notice the way she smiles when she's around you!!" Kirishima said which made Bakugou thought that she always does that


"That means she likes you!! Boys are really dumb.." Mina sighed

"I'm not dumb!! I'm much smarter than all of you!!" Bakugou exclaimed

"Say..if you aren't dumb, answer our questions" the rest gave each other glances and nodded at each other now having smug look on their faces

"Is Y/n pretty?" Mina asked

"She doesn't look too shitty" Bakugou answered

"Which do you prefer: hanging out with us or hanging out with her?" Kirishima piped in

"Definitely none of your dumbasses, fucking next"

"Would you be mad if I dated her?" Kaminari asked

"Don't you dare fucking try" Bakugou said as he glared at Kaminari

"If you see someone with her and she's getting uncomfortable, how would you react?.." Sero asked as his glance was in another direction in which Bakugou grew suspicious about and looked at the direction on where the jet black haired guy was looking at

'Oh shit..' The squad thought as they all glared at Sero for asking that stupid question which made Bakugou stood up to his seat and rushed up to Y/n

I was just walking back to where the rest of my friends were and I can see them talking to Bakugou which is quite relieving to me to the fact that I don't even noticed that I bumped into someone

"Oh my! I'm so sorry!" I apologized as I bumped into them, their prosthetic arms dropping to the ground which made me panic. "Y-your arm!! I'm so sorry, if you want I can just-"

"Shut up" he cut me off as he grabbed his metal arm with his other arm

"I can fix it, just trust me please" I slowly raised up my hand and went to have contact with his arm and reversed it. "Now it's all better! I'm really sorry, I wasn't looking at my surroundings"

"Is that your quirk?" He asked me with his raspy voice

"Yes" I answered

"Well you have a pretty nice one.." He chuckled

"Uhm thank you I guess.." I looked away quite embarrassed since I just ruined his arm and now I'm getting compliments about my quirk?!

"You're coming with me" he demanded his metal arm nearly scratching my skin

"W-what?!" I exclaimed

"I said-"

"Oi! What the hell are you doing to her?! Let her fucking go!!" Bakugou yelled as he pushed him back which caused him to stumble a bit and walked away not saying anything

"Hey! We're not done here.." Bakugou widened his eyes as soon as he realized the man which is now smirking at him before he ran away and Bakugou chased him with Y/n following him confused

"Bitch! Who the fuck is that?!" Y/n asked

"He's the fucking guy who removed the other's memories of me!!" Y/n felt herself get angry before grabbing her phone and calling the police despite her still chasing the so called villain that she just encountered

After she did so, she used her slow-mo to make everything slow down except for her and pushing the people away for safety purposes in case something will happened, her stamina already running low

"Fuck.." Y/n cursed herself for not training hard enough and wasting her time on pushing people away, pausing the time after and quickly rushed to the villain who is now being immobilized by her. Her stamina completely ran low as her pause ability began to play in a second making people all confused by their sudden location. Y/n tried to lunge at the villain but was completely thrown off by the villain.

"Get out of my way bitch!" Y/n felt her head spin but was instantly caught by Bakugou

"...Don't do that shit again, ever"

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