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"in silence,
no one answers"

SILENCE WAS ringing in her ears.



It was too much for her liking, to the point that it was driving her insane.

But slowly.

Very slowly.

That was the real torture.

It was taking it's own sweet time and certainly having fun while doing that.

Her head was spinning and it felt like every single thing present there was mocking her.

"Is my misery amusing?", She asked but she didn't because no voice came out.

The conversations that took place in that close room were coated with silence.

All she could hear was silence.

It didn't feel good.

It felt like hearing things she wasn't supposed to.

But she could only sit there and stare and hear.

There was no use fighting it, since there was no escape.

She was stuck there and slowly, she was giving in.

As silence was intensifying, her vision was getting blurred.

And she was losing the grip of reality.

It was pulling her into abyss.

Her last plea for help was muted like every other but it was the strongest amongst all, it was the tight grip at the end of the rope before letting it go.

That was when it came to her.

That was when she heard the first sound of music.

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