.Chapter 1.

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I'm Izuku Midorya...

I can remember the day of, 11/05/09. I had just woken up to the new miserable day as my mother, Inko had shut the door away leaving for work and letting me stay home with my horrible step father, All-might.

To all of you he might seem like the number 1 hero, but to me he is the world's biggest jerk of a father their ever could be.

Each day as my mother leaves for her work at 5:35 in the morning my father is already awake ready to make sure I am his personal servant for the day.

Today I had woken up to the door slamming shut as my mother left for her work. My father came into my room with a belt as always and started hitting me until I had gotten out of bed.

This time he yelled at me to make his breakfast as quick as ever. I asked him if I could atleast shower first but he grabbed me by my shirt and threw me over to the wall.

I had gotten up and ran out of the room hiding behind the couch. He walked out of the room more angry than he had been when he came into the room.

"I AM GONNA COUNT TO THREE IZUKU" All-might yelled as he grabbed a wooden bat out from the closet in the far corner of the room.


I shivered


I thought


I was gonna kill myself today!

I screamed as he lifted up the couch with his palm. He kicked at me and pinned me with his foot to the wall. He droped the couch and started pushing his foot onto my stomach really hard.

He picked me up from my shirt and hit my head from the bat he had gotten. He hit my face until it kept on bleeding, the bloody bat was then smashed onto my head and I passed out.


"I-I... a v-villan... he attacked and uh... I couldn't catching him because I w-was worried about him..." All-might stuttered. "I... yeah that what happend...".

I had gotten up a slighty as my mother turned my way and hugged me tight. All-might looked at me with a death look on his face. His eyes now turned an dark red, his smile towards my mother turned into a sinister grin as he pulled my mother and started kissing her.

They both left the room kissing and I heard through the thin blue walls of another child or sibling that All-might wanted to have. I heard of a new daughter but I knew that he only wants her to make my life horrible.

They then came back into the room and my mother almost dropped to the floor.
"I-Izu..." she cried "Babe help him".
I turned around to see a tall man with white hair. He looked young but scary.

"ALL FOR ONE GET AWAY FROM HIM" All-might yelled.

The man then shot a powerful blow at All-might. He trembled to the floor bleeding histericly.
"Inko, we have to leave. Leave Izuku we can have another child" All-might disclaimed.

He grabbed my mother by her hand and ran away leaving me and the man alone. He picked me up gently and kissed my forhead.

He looked sweet and kind. He gently swayed me in his arms.
"I'm sorry for not coming sooner" he said in a soft and sweet tone.

"D-dad?" I asked.

He nodded and a portal appeared, a younger kid about 2-3 years older came out.

"I-izu... y-you... w-won't... l-leave... right?" He said shaken.

I started crying because he felt so familiar but I couldn't remeber him at all.
I looked at the boy, his light blue almost white hair, his pure eyes and his shaken self.

"TENKO" I yelled.

My mother ran into the room, she has escaped from All-might, but no one was there. Tenko had a new quirk. He could turn anything invisible.

My mother started sobbing and destroying the table and the vase of flowers on top. She was heart broken and ran out of the door to All-might and sobbed into his arms as he fake comforted her and asked for another child in the "memory of me".

My father and Tenko opened another portal and went in, as I followed.


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Chapter 2 is when he is doing some of his villan jobs.

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