Chapter I - "Moments of Emptiness"

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"I'm nothing compared to others. I don't have anything to offer. I don't have any talents or any special skills in anything. No one truly cares about me. In fact, I don't have a space in this world. And trust me, I've tried everything but nothing works. I still feel empty."

Aren't those words too painful to hear from someone you hold dear to your heart? It's heartbreaking. You'd like to get even just a small part of this person's pain and burden so they would feel a bit lighter. You want to take every opportunity to comfort the person and remind them that there is hope even during moments of emptiness.

But you know what's worse? When those words are the very words you speak to yourself  the words you kept hidden from others. The words you can't seem to let go. You act as the light towards your friends and family, but little that they know, you break down when your past pulls and reminds you, "You will never be enough." No matter where you are and no matter who you are with, there will always be an afterthought within you that wonders, "Do I deserve this? Do I deserve to be happy? Am I allowed to be this joyful?"

What do you do? Do you call a friend for help? Or a better question, do you have a people in your life who truly know what you're going through? People who may not fully understand what's happening, yet still commit themselves to stay with you as you battle against these cruel giants. What do you do? Do you fight or do you immediately raise the white flag? Do you allow yourself to succumb to these unhealthy thoughts or you ask yourself, with all the strength that you've got, "Are these words from my God? Is this voice for or against me?"

Dear friend, as you pick up this book, it's my prayer and hope that you gradually and radically realize how great of a potential you are. There's got to be a reason why the enemy wants you so badly. There's a powerful purpose planted in you. This moment of emptiness is nothing compared to this unshakeable truth you have in Christ. The victory is already won. You're already victorious in Christ. When you feel hopeless and terribly lost, God will hold your hand and cover you with His steady faithful love, "My child, let's walk together."

You can rise up from this depression. You can rise up from this poverty. You can rise up from this illness. You can rise up from this financial crisis. You can rise up from this horrible break up. You can rise up from these unhealthy habits. You can rise up from this hatred and unforgiveness. You can rise up from this broken past. You can rise up from this abuse. You can rise up from those toxic relationships. You can rise up from these idols. You can rise up from this unbelief. You can rise up from this addiction. You can rise up from this sin. You are not stuck. You are already standing in victory. You are moving from inch to inch, grace to grace, moment to moment. This is all because of God's grace. There was never a moment you were left abandoned or forsaken. No matter what the situation is, God made sure you are not lacking anything. His anthem of love sweetly sings, "My grace is sufficient for you."

Greater is your God than the battle. You can be called "worthy" because the Lord is "holy". He is your hope that stays. He is your Friend who forgives. He is your Father who cares.

He is also the God of process. His heart belongs to those seemingly small details. He knows that there is growth in the process. He knows that the result you're praying for is nothing compared to the scattered treasures waiting for you once you say yes to obedience. The process is hard and there's no doubt about that.

But is it worth  it?

Definitely yes. It will set your heart on fire. It will make you worship turn from rain of doubts to honest and hopeful praise. It will give you the strength to face the day. It will make you a blessing to those who are hurting. It will give you wisdom to know when to fight, when to surrender, when to wait, when to stay, when to speak, and when to remain silent.

"This Moment Matters" - Joena San DiegoWhere stories live. Discover now